Liz Cheney makes stunning announcement: "I will be voting for Kamala Harris" (video)

Originally published at: Liz Cheney's stunning announcement: 'I'm voting for Kamala Harris'


On the BBS this headline is missing the words voting for and it makes it really creepy. Every meaning I can think of for how Cheney might try to be Harris is worse than the last.

Anyway, as I’ve said with some others, despite this endorsement I still think people should probably vote for Harris.


Yeah, I thought that she was going to try to usurp ■■■■■ as the GOP candidate somehow, but no she is endorsing Harris.


With the missing words it is a stunning announcement.
With the words not missing, meh, anyone with a brain is voting for Harris.

It would be more stunning (in theory, if not in GOP) if someone who voted to impeach Trump were not voting for his opponent.


… does Liz Cheney have any actual followers to influence? Given that she can’t win elections and deliver goodies for the oil-war lobby anymore, shouldn’t her 15 minutes be over :thinking:


The original headline would have made sense if it was RFKjr.

I mean, okay brain worm desecrator of a bear corpse.

But only in a very narrow meaning of sense.

It’d be nice to think that there was some rearguard of sensible Republicans of principle, but how many iterations back would that be? I mean, there can’t be many “I like Ike!” Republicans left. :man_shrugging: Sadly, I think that these are ones who weren’t in on the joke.


I don’t know about followers, but I personally know of one centrist Democratic voter who told me she would have voted for Cheney if she had run for President. Which is nuts, but some people didn’t really pay any attention to anything Cheney did or said before January 6, 2021. The only thing my friend knew was that Cheney voted to impeach Trump, and she wasn’t a leftist, and that was good enough for her.


Honestly, I’d be more stunned if she said she was voting for Trump.


Yeah, what’s stunning is folk like Pence, who’ll throw a vote away rather than vote for her; just not voting for him is some weird fucking shit.


We’ll take all the help we can get, especially if it encourages more Republicans to “come out” (as it were), but are currently afraid to.

I want Harris to win by such a landslide that it would moot any GQP subversion attempts.


Went looking for an approval rating, 14% approval ratings by Republicans in 2022.

Which is low, but still one out of 7, and with democracy hanging by such thin margins, it’s nice she said something.


It’s a fair bit more than the 37 voters that RFK Jr. had.


Great, Liz! Well done you! Now quit hating women’s health care.


For what it’s worth (n → 0) i suspect this combined with “Yes I would appoint a republican to my cabinet” means that Liz Cheney could well be occasionally in the oval office of a Harris administration [shrug]


Cheney and Kinzinger have been pretty clear that while they have policy differences with liberals and Democrats, they’d prefer to live in a country where policy differences are worked out in the voting booth and Congress and the courts, and not with mobs and death threats (which they have personally experienced). On this, I can agree with them.


So it’s come to this. Applauding an extreme right-wing fuckwit for not being a fascist.

I really cannot tell if this is progress or not.


Hopefully your friend will vote for Harris because she’s also not a leftist?


Yes, she’s absolutely voting for Harris. And she knows Harris isn’t a leftist.


It is.

Without making any excuses for anything she’s done, it is always a good idea to appreciate it at least a little bit when someone changes their mind and publicly acknowledges that your side made a better choice than theirs. Not too much, but more than zero.


Yes? In comparison, at least.

If someone who’s generally a good person, or at least not a crappy one, stands up and says “I did not hijack a semi and drive it through the playground of a preschool today during recess therefore I deserve a reward,” the proper response is to just stare at them in horror because why would that sort of thing even require acknowledgement let alone a cookie.

By contrast, if someone has a history of hanging out with a group that starts fires, dumps toxic waste all around the town, yells obscenities at people as they knock over displays at the grocery store, and takes up three spaces in the parking lot when they park their vehicle, but makes a public stance saying “I am opposed to actually shooting people and will not be joining the rest of the group as they do so” …

Well, okay, they still don’t deserve actual applause, but I guess try to not roll your eyes too much as you pat them on the head and say “yay. Good on you for making the right choice, I guess.” Maybe only mutter quietly when you continue with “it’s about damn time.”