Liz Cheney reads texts sent by Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Trump Jr. to Mark Meadows during Jan 6 begging Trump to call off riot

Um… how about jail time for the people who organized the coup attempt, maybe?

We’re still right in the middle of this thing. Right now, today, there are attempts to ensure that the GOP in my state is loyal to Trump, and that only the “right” voters vote. This is ongoing, organized from the top down, and needs to have real consequences, including jail time, for the people who are attempting to overthrow our elected governments in favor of a dictatorship.

That’s just the shadow of the mic.


That’s why I said: " We just need all the organizers in jail and universal condemnation of the insurrection by elected officials"

I’d argue that quite a few of those elected officials need to be in jail also and in fact are the primary ones who should be in jail. It’s pretty clear that the level of active participation by elected officials is pretty high.


I remember one of Jon Stewart’s finest moments, when the video of Romney talking about the “47% of Americans” who were ‘takers’ not makers emerged. Fox News simultaneously claimed the video was a disingenuous liberal smear AND a perfectly accurate statement of fact.


Few things are more sickening than rich people who lack respect for those working their butts off to barely survive.


Yes, but it turns out it was before the rally and subsequent march to the Capitol. Still, it seems that they expected more after the rally than they were truly letting on.


“Fake news, fake news, it was Antifa, except we knew all along it wasn’t, but it wasn’t really a big deal, not much different than a bunch of tourists, but the Democrats want to make a mountain out of a molehill and distract everyone from Biden’s cataclysmic communist takeover…”

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my read is that nobody - including the fox talking heads - wanted trump to blame them for calling off the violence

they were - id bet - using meadows as a middle man because they’ve been bullied so badly by trump. none of them wants to be the bearer of bad news, or the target of his little hands of fury

it’s not clear to me from the reporting if even meadows was brave enough to actually talk to trump about it. grown men who act out toddler tantrums are scary.


Trump would let the world burn as long as people were chanting his name while doing it and he had a safe place to watch it and people dying to protect him.

He is the worst of evil because it is mindless, like the cruelty of a small child towards another child or animals. He has no grasp of the future or of consequences.


I loathe Trump but have even lower regard for all the sycophants who do understand the harm he’s causing and continue to offer their aid and support anyway.


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