Local racist angry at protestors in Orange, Texas

There’s no need to enlist ancient alien visitors to explain humanity’s rise from our primate ancestors. It be nutty yo.

Absolutely, which is why I say I am open to the possibility.

However, I do find it a bit odd that essentially every ancient culture has a very similar set of stories about an advanced race that created us. Like the specific descriptions of air vehicles doing battle that are in the Vedas.

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I guess it’s that if there’s any understanding to be had it will have to come from progressives. The racists aren’t interested and won’t even try.

The internet is undefeated with the REMIX!!! https://youtu.be/Kt_7HqG95j4

I beg to differ too. By all accounts he was a hippy (peace, love, feed the hungry, heal the sick and occasionally kicking money lenders out of the temple), not a hipster (apathetic, trendy and superficial).


I love that movie! IMHO it’s Kevin Smith’s most underrated film.


“You don’t deserve to be in this God-damn country. You don’t like it, take your ass home.” is a blatantly racist statement. This country is their home. Only someone with at least some white nationalist views (whether he identifies as a white nationalist or not) would tell someone he doesn’t know that this country belongs to him and not to them.

I judge people by their words and actions. The weight of their souls is between them and their conscience.


Yeah, I love it too. I just love Smith’s stuff in general.


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