Originally published at: Los Angeles' new tourism logo | Boing Boing
This logo is pronounced: LOHS Ang-hell-eeeze.
So Los Angeles in 2021 is Miami from 1980?
You can’t watch the sun set over the ocean from Miami.
But you can watch it rise.
As a kid on the east coast, everything I knew about Los Angeles came from TV shows like Three’s Company and Miami Vice. (I confused Miami and Malibu for ages.) Now I live in LA and like this logo, and I blame my '80s TV past.
Designed by Shepard “Hope/Andre the Giant Has a Posse/Obey” Fairey.
I love it, but don’t think it’ll have anywhere near the impact of I NY or whatever.
I had thought they might try to theme it to draw from the flag of the City of Los Angeles. But that flag is fairly forgettable.
That was San Diego. I think…
It’s every dirt cheap tourist T-shirt available in L.A. in the early 1980’s. How many waves of 80’s nostalgia must we who lived through the original be subjected to?
They’re at the LA zoo in the opening theme, but it does feel San Diegoey somehow.
Just to set the record straight…Santa Monica.
I like it. My limited experience with Los Angeles brings to mind road signs edged in razor wire and a brown, pollution-choked sky, so this definitely seems more inviting.
What’s great about that logo is that once they’ve gone all in on that retro style, they’ve also kind of claimed it forever. It would be really hard for any other US tourist destination to try something similar and not be accused of copying this.
Gotta spend some time clearing this tune from my mind again…
So, what I’m seeing here is “Cocaine is back, baby!”