Loud, angry, and ineffective: Marjorie Taylor Greene screams at clouds

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/04/loud-angry-and-ineffective-marjorie-taylor-greene-screams-at-clouds.html


I have an honest question, since I don’t live in the States, and admittedly inhabit a progressive bubble: are there people who actually take this woman seriously? Do they really hear her nonsense, and think “yes, this is how a politician should act. She is advancing my interests”? I understand that she’s been voted in, but I don’t believe in the current US political climate that voting for someone, and answering that question affirmatively are necessarily linked.


The beauty of the Internet is that one can so easily find someone out there espousing a particular bad opinion.

(…You could call that “beauty” by certain definitions, anyway.)


Considering all the buzzwords she uses, it’s clear she’s a victim of fearmongering.


Correction: She’s highly effective, doing EXACTLY what the Republican party has put her there for, which is being disruptive, destructive, and obstructive, preventing Congress from functioning, specifically so that Republicans can then point to the ineffectiveness of government as a way to discourage potential voters to the point of self-disenfranchisement. Don’t ever forget that these are the intentional (and very effective) strategies of the Orange Traitor and his Sycophant party.


Yeah, that’s the thing. The internet swings wildly two directions on Greene. The opinion (in my view correct) that she is a complete looney that should be unemployable, never mind an elected official; and the opinion that she’s the one who gets it, and is doing great work. I wonder what normal people think.

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yeah yeah we know seth meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Welcome to boing boing!


I wouldn’t call her strategy ineffective.

winning charlie sheen GIF


The projection would be funny if it weren’t so scary.

As an American, I ask the same questions. The answer seems to be: sort of.

First, you have to understand that Republicans rely on tribal, reflexive voting from their constituents, who vote for them because they’re Republicans, and who have little idea of their actual policies. (A number of Republican policies are unpopular, even with their own voters, yet voters presume out of ignorance that their reps are voting in their interests.)

Second, most of MTG’s active support comes from outside her district (e.g. almost all the money for her campaigns). These are not people concerned about what she’s doing for her constituents. Mostly what they care about is that she’s a shit-stirrer who “owns the libs.” So the fact that she uses all her time and energy to take performative stances on culture war issues makes them happy. Basically she’s backed by a bunch of internet tr0lls.

Combine the two, and you have her constituents who vote for her because she’s the one with an (R) by her name, but she’s representing the interests of the tr0lls who gave her the money to get into office.


Dictatorship? We ELECTED ol Joe Brandon. With… votes. Your guy lost (barely and then he sent his goons to storm the Capital and murder his vice president… he should be rotting in jail for that, not for dorking a porn ‘star’ and paying hush money to influence the election [note: also illegal])

I think ol Joe Brandon is doing a hell of a good job considering he is fighting the three great enemies of freedom and democracy: the three Rs. Russia, Red China and Republicans. Ask to see the read out from the meetings of those 8 R Senators in Moscow on July 4th… (crickets)

F!ck fascist scum.


She’s really upset criminals get prosecuted.

She also introduced some sort of amendment to something to defund NATO.

America First means putting American taxpayers first!

That’s why I just introduced an amendment to DEFUND the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) from our Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill.

We spend billions defending other countries while our Southern border lies open and undefended.

While America contributes more than its fair share, most NATO member countries don’t even spend their minimum obligation of 2% GDP.

The American people are tired of their money being sent overseas to defend the world while receiving nothing in return.


I think that at least some of the situation can be understood in terms of the cultivation of a sense of futility: if you don’t think that your interests can be advanced politically(whether from the relatively privileged position of just taking functional infrastructure and your juicy mortgage tax credit for granted so much that you don’t even recognize them as political achievements while despairing of the possibility of legislating the imaginary ur-1950s back; or from the relatively desperate position of being sick, precarious, and more or less transparently expendable); then you don’t really hold a lack of accomplishments against a politician; and end up voting mostly on personality and degree to which their performative feeling is in the correct direction.


i guess these reps spouting on and on about the “undefended, open border” with Mexico, will not be happy until the entire armed forces are deployed and tanks positioned every 10 meters of the whole 3,145 km border!
no. no, i’m sorry. i do not believe even that would shut her up until there was copious Mexican blood spilled as sacrifice to their death cult.


Eek, so in this scenario this person is shored up by people who deeply appreciate her nonsense. Which is kind of depressing.


You know what just struck me? These asshats saw WandaVision and thought it was aspirational rather than tragic. Back to a Leave it to Beaver or Brady Bunch kind of society that never actually existed. Other than women and minorities were not fully recognized as human, and cis-het white men were unquestioned masters of their domain. You know, like a vision of hell.


Mrs. I don’t worship trump posted this.

What’s your favorite thing about President Trump?

I have several.

One is how nice he is.

Genuinely kind hearted and caring about everyone.

Every time I call him or see him, he always ask me how I’m doing in the most sincere way.

And I love that he treats everyone that way.

I also love to talk with him about construction and renovation projects.

I own a construction company so I see the world in many ways from that stand point and appreciate sincere dedication to customer service and well built and well managed projects.

I have a unique eye for capturing those special people who truly have mastered the craft of running a good business from top to bottom and bottom to top.

President Trump is one of the best I’ve observed.

President Trump is so smart and has so many exciting ideas for American greatness that benefit EVERY American.

I hope with all my heart we get the opportunity to bring the ideas we have discussed to fruition for America.

I also truly appreciate how much he loves his family.

Every single one of them, and they love him.

It speaks of his character in ways that stand the test of time and public perception.

But perhaps one of the most admirable traits is how dedicated he is to putting America first.

He is literally giving up living a self centered life enjoying his success and hard earned wealth to fight the corrupt and evil people in our government in order to Make America Great Again, not for himself, but for everyday ordinary American citizens.

It deeply saddens me that he has been vilified all for the disgusting business of politics.

He is the most attacked and lied about man living on planet Earth.

And he takes all of the unfair cruel attacks with strength and grace and unwavering hope that through it all people will wake up and see what is happening and join in the fight to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.


bernie vomit emoji request


There are a lot of people who are poor, poorly educated, and see little hope for their futures. Everything good seems to pass them by, no matter who is in power. When change does happen to their benefit, it’s always too little and too late. And they see the corruption in their own party and believe their politicians when they claim the other side is even more corrupt.

Instead of stirring the pot to the left or to the right, what they want is someone who promises to tip the pot over. They may think they have nothing to lose, and maybe if there’s a revolution they’ll get something more for themselves. So they don’t care what she says or does, as long as it’s loud, disruptive, and upsetting to the people in charge.


Bleech blond, bad built brain.


She lacks the intellectual depth to understand that funding NATO is very much putting US interests ahead of anyone else’s interest. Feckin’ idiot, she is.