Louisiana GOP endorses candidate accused of whipping child and other "criminal cruelty" charges

Originally published at: Louisiana GOP endorses candidate accused of whipping child and other "criminal cruelty" charges | Boing Boing


Arguably worse than that. This guy isn’t a hypocrite(at least on this issue); he’s a perfectly sincere execution of spare-the-rod-spoil-the-child ‘traditional values’.

They are also frequently insincere; but the morals about which they are outraged are bad.


Why is he not in prison for trying to murder a child in front of witnesses!? Are we supposed to wait until he’s found holding a corpse that was once someone’s son or daughter?
Are we just supposed to sacrifice children to these kinds of monsters in the name of their disgusting cult of cruelty and abuse?

Holy shit.


He’s a clear danger to the community and should not have bail.


Yeah, there are whole sects where child abuse is the norm. And cults where it is a central tenet to their ideology. :frowning:


The party of bigots, racists, and fascist, he mean? They are the “protector” of anyone who they can put words in the victims’ mouth, like the unborn, baby, dead man, nonexistent gods. As soon as the victims try to get back their voice from the hijacking, they become the receptors of abuse and violence. There is really no hate like Christian “love.”

What a bunch soulless, moral bankrupt ghouls that always espouses high ground moral bullshit to cover up the horrible shit done in every waking moment.



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IIRC, some years ago a Christian school in England was found to possess “rulers” designed for corporal punishment. They had been imported from the USA.

Got to wonder what party Gallé thought he was running for.

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