Louisiana legalizes surgical castration for felons

The law, in its majestic equality, allows for orchiectomies for both men and women!

With the right, it’s a mistake to assume they thought about any of their performative cruelty laws like this at all.

Vice signaling.

Right, it doesn’t even remotely work, and anyone with any knowledge of the subject (i.e. not the men passing this law) would know that. And maybe someone has told them, but obviously they also don’t care if it works. They’re seen “being tough” (i.e. cruel, and the crueler the better) and that’s enough.

Since it’s optional, it amounts to a potential extra 3-5 years in jail. But the pageantry of the legislation is the legislators “coming out” at their Mediaeval Barbarism debutante ball, and that’s the real goal.


Hey, gotta slow the growth of the POC demographic somehow.
We will not be replaced and all that.

Looks like somebody has eyes on a higher office in the future.

And people seem to think that Lord Dampnut is as bad as it can get…


… viciousness signaling

… they’re testing what they can get away with

If it’s not struck down, they can start getting rid of the exceptions :unamused:


I wonder… The thing is, I don’t think they actually care about the policy itself at all (as evidenced by the fact that it’s so poorly thought out, for example). So long as they’re seen to have done something (e.g. get “tough” on child abusers), even if the law doesn’t do that (or, in fact, does the opposite), that’s all that matters… On the other hand, when the policy turns out to be ineffective and all the problems persist, then they’ll eventually need to do something more extreme to be seen to be doing something again, so… yeah.

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