Louisiana townsfolk terror-freak over Hebrew "welcome home" sign

Are you crazy or something? Is that it? I’m dealing with a crazy person?

Not even willing to make a small effort to understand how that would be oppressive. It would have taken less mental energy than digging up that video. I guess it’s more important to one-up me. That’s pathetic.

Yes. So what?


It seems to be a slightly mis-spelled sign, with odd handwriting, too - I think it’s missing the letter vav in bruchah. I wonder if the sign maker actually knew Hebrew, or if they just copied the letters, illiterately.

Roughly , in English, it’s “Welcmehome, Yamit”. Lack of spacing and missing letter intentional.


Well let me put it in terms that you perhaps can understand. You started off, very unkindly and unnecessarily so, by saying my first comment was bullshit. Then, when I asked you a simple question about your response, you ignored it and went on to accuse me of being born without empathy. While so doing, you said that the entire sign-in-hebrew-in-Gardner-LA situation was “oppressing” towards someone. My question now would be: who exactly was or is being oppressed in Gardner LA? IF the sign had been in Arabic, and/or put up by a Moslem citizen of that parish, the argument could be made. But it wasn’t. It was put up, allegedly, by a Jewish person welcoming home some other Jewish person. The sign-poster hasn’t been oppressed. We don’t even know who that person was. It was a misunderstanding, but not a stupid one: possibly the most unfestive-looking “welcome home” signs ever written got put up along the roadside in a small town in Louisiana and a handful of people were weirded-out enough that they called the cops and said “what’s up?”, which is a reasonable response in a small and probably close knit community that almost certainly doesn’t speak or read Hebrew very well. Tell you what: I’m going to go to the nearest synagogue and paint in big scary dripping red letters in Arabic “Yay for Judaism!!!” on a nearby wall, and see how quickly someone shits. Does that mean I will be the one being oppressed when the defecation commences?

Seriously? You want me to do your thinking for you? Pass.


I’m not, because they were frightened of a bit of cardboard. Which is something that’s annoying when horses do it, but people? Yeesh.


Of course, these signs are clear evidence that there are at least three religious groups present (four if you count the Protestants), so it’s almost starting to look like a melting pot down there.

Better check they understand the concept of a ‘melting pot’ down there. Lots of fire? Check. Chucking people with different faiths in? Check. Melting? Not sure. Would you call that melting?

I remember my father writing a ‘welcome home’ sign in Russian for my sister, after she had been there.


Oy, another self hating Jew!


Unless you’ve got permission from the owner of the wall, you’ll likely be questioned for vandalism.
But feel free to do it on a disposable sign, although you may be taken to task about the neatness of your writing as would be likely.


As long as they pay royalties!

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Not for long.


+1 for Johnny Dangerously reference


Yet they got the feminine gender right. If they had used Google Translate or something I think it would have said ברוך הבא הביתה or ברוכים הבאים הביתה but not ברוכה הבאה הביתה.

My guess is that they had a Hebrew-speaker send them the text by e-mail or something and then they copied it.



It’s 2015, not 1015.


It’s 815 here!


In the shade?!?!?!


Beat me to it. :slight_smile:

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