Love the new minimalist design!

+1 and thanks for - changing all my bookmarks - can you put lines back in between the articles, please - i still use a scroll wheel on a mouse

see also delia ephron in the nytimes on “improvements”

My blender, purchased a year ago, has eight buttons: stir, chop, mix, purée, liquefy, pulse, crush ice and off. It makes a terrific racket. After six months the handle on the container, which is made of some sort of plastic, split and had to be taped back together. Probably I shouldn’t have put it in the dishwasher, but I confess I didn’t read the manual, and besides why make a blender container that isn’t dishwasher friendly? It never crossed my mind. Weirdly, the duct tape repeatedly survived the dishwasher while the handle could not.

Then my friends Jenny and Joel gave me their Waring blender purchased, they estimated, in 1978. The container has no handle. It’s made of thick rippled glass and is easy to grip. The blender has one switch and it can do everything. When on, its soft whirring sound doesn’t scare the dog, the test of any good kitchen appliance.


I despise it Boingboing. It’s killing me… Literally killing me. When I saw the site this morning my brain crossed, shriveled up and squeezed itself out of my ear, landing on the floor beside my shaking feet in a pile of gooey disappointment.

Think I’m exaggerating? Right now I am in a hospital bed dictating my thoughts to a kind nurse who agrees with me completely about the redesign. Since my body is paralyzed, my only means of expressing my disgust is by controlled bleeding from my eyes: one drop for “yes,” two for “no.” I’ve lost a lot of blood and fear I can’t hold out much longer.

Please Boingboing, I hear Nyarlathotep scratching at the curtain. The frayed and tattered fingers of my mind strain to grasp the few remaining crumbs of my soul. Change it back.

Change it back…


hmm, I thought you were in that thread but don’t see your icon there. it’s the second script here (the first was made redundant since it was adopted by Jeff as part of the BBS proper) but instead of pasting it into a bookmark as-written, I pasted it into Greasemonkey so I can skip loading it separately every time.

I don’t get why @codinghorror adopted one and not both, but to me, it is indispensable.

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also, i miss seeing the comments right under the article - too much clickin’ and waitin’ and rememberin’ - i like scrollin’, with my muscle memory and all

can’t you do a “classic” aka “old folks” aka “retro” version along with the “kids today” version? - with your mad computer skillz and all

… lawn … bla bla

Interesting. I used to have a lot of problems with blogs and sites changing their layouts quite frequently, but this I took to immediately.  effortlessly.  either i like it, or i’ve just gotten extremely flexible.


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I know people always hate change, but I hate the new design. As an obsessive BB reader the old design let me scan every new article and get a sense of it. Now (misdemeanor) I don’t know what’s new and (felony) I have to click through to see what a headline is about. unlike.

tl;dr you swapped unclutter for clutter - guh


yep. she da woman.

Chronological readability is my main issue as well, so I’ll be changing my link to .

But even that would benefit greatly from better visual demarcation between items and ability to filter out the cruft (= the increasing television ads and 1/5/10 years ago items).


Unfortunately, the “Older Articles” link then fails:

Weird, works for me. It takes me to

Whatever is populating in your address bar is not correct. The URL should be /page/2 not /page1/page/2 – I do not know how that got there, but I am hopeful our nav isn’t pointing there.

Amen. Ditto. Hell yeah I agree with this post!!! And all the others casting aspersions on the new layout. Please bring back the old one!!!


The typeface seems to be broken for me. It just shows up as the browsers default “serif” font, which is a bit of a throwback to the late 1990’s. :smiley: I’m using the latest version of Firefox. When I go into the articles (and here on the forums), the typeface is right.

I’m not a huge fan of the change: I don’t mind having two columns where one is chronological and enable us to sync up and see what is recent and what we haven’t read yet, and one is the editor’s choice, but I would prefer the editor’s choice to be the tiny one, and the chronological one to be the huge, instead of the other way round. If that is possible, and the stylesheet gets fixed, I’d think I’d rather enjoy the redesign, if not I’ll use the link provided above to see the chronological feed only.

Well, it’s not as bad as endless scrolling/autoload…

(I only saw the layout change, I use a font extension so I have not seen the font change.)

New view hurts my head/eyes too.

Not convinced I still care enough to use the /1 klugearound.

I’ve been looking for an excuse to cut down my online fidget time; you may have just handed me one. Or at least driven me to spend it elsewhere.



Please - no matter how badly you screw up the design it’s still going to be workable as long as it’s fundamentally a single column. Once you start splattering tiny leaders to posts all over the page like bird droppings it becomes hard to have an idea of where I’m “up to” - and hard to care.


It looks smaller to me. Also there is less text. Is this to push more clicks to linked articles?

Ugh, that was always a great boingboing feature. I’m sorry to hear it is gone.

Ugh. This is the opposite of clean, flowing and interesting design,

If you are happy with the new look, nothing we say will matter, but I know my visits to the first blog I ever visited will be few and far between in the future.
