Periodic reminder that the term “White Trash” is a racist term that supports White Supremacy since it implies that in the natural order of things human garbage is some other color.
Ditto the term “White Slavery” as a euphemism for forced prostitution.
Don’t let your guard down. The past four years have made it very clear that these people will deny any evidence, ignore any crime, believe any absurdity, obey any order as long as they get a flimsy excuse to be bullies, bigots and all-around assholes. Being forced to face the reality of their failure is not the same thing as waking up. They can never, ever be trusted again and as soon as another racist bandwagon comes along they’ll gladly hop on and ride it right up until it either smashes itself to splinters or rolls over the bones of democracy. This doesn’t end with Trump.
It’s less time than that. Christianity went from a niche backwater cult, to being the official state religion of the whole Roman Empire, in less than 400 years.
I recently heard that “decentralization among people” is a useful dividing line between a cult and religion. Single person in charge? Cult. Lots of people in charge, all over the place? Religion.
That is way optimistic. I hope you are right, but I would guess most will just find a new conspiracy theory to believe in , and it might be even worse.
The word you are looking for is Schadenfreudeüberdosis.
Those experiencing it show Schadenfreudeüberdosissymptome.
All outlined in the Schadenfreudeüberdosissymptomenhandbuch.
I would keep this up, but I am too busy enjoying MAGA tears at the moment.
So now, thinking it’s all really trump’s doing, they will be ok with climate change, LGBTQ rights, voter enfranchisement, environmental protection and so on? Maybe they will even read a book!