Oh I did challenge him. He just said I was wrong. That was the extent of his argument.
Well, the MAGAt was correct when he said that historically, Democrats supported the Confederate flag, but that changed over 50 years ago with Nixon’s Southern Strategy. Everything the guy said after that was wrong, and I think he started out confused long before he was challenged. Curious what the real story of his firing was. His version is not credible.
Why are you browsing without an ad blocker?
“I got fired for religious beliefs that I invented and decided I like”.
Also remember that the guy supposedly traipsed all over the Holy Land in the company of twelve other dudes.
You know, if you regularly argue with these types, it would be worth carrying a bible with you to do just this.
If I am online, I do do quick searches. You can even get passages in their preferred version (some people seem really really suck on the King James version.)
Gasket blown long before. Facts and logical conclusions offered spray out like water from a lawn sprinkler.
Jesus traipsed. Wasn’t that in the gospel of John, at some point after “Jesus wept”?
I miss the comments section we used to have on the BoingBoing Store.
Yep. There’s no documentation that Jesus ever said it. It was Paul who said it in his letters to the Corinthians.
As soon as they say I’m wrong, I ask them for Chapter and Verse!
If Jesus said it, then show me where?
Funnily enough, they then suddenly remember and urgent appointment elsewhere.
ETA to add the coke I owe to everyone else who said basically the same thing
You are absolutley correct in what Jesus said (or rather, did not say) but a lot the christofascists ignore the teacher and go with selected quotes from Paul, who certainly comes across as a misogynistic homophobe. It’s the cherry-picking hypocrisy that infuriates me with these guys. They seem to think the Pharisees and Saducees were the good guys in stories, and this “Jesus” guy was just some woke trouble maker. Well, honestly, he was, but that’s another story. They have no clue what is in the book they claim to follow, only that someone told thwm it makes it OK to hate and hurt people weaker than themselves. About as unChristian as it is possible to be.
Yeah…Paul. At various times, about half the New Testament has been attributed to him, but a lot of that is now disputed, including the parts about homosexuality. And Paul never even met Jesus, and he persecuted early Christians before becoming a convert, so what makes him the expert? And a lot of what he did write is misunderstood. Most of what he wrote were letters to people forming Christian churches in various areas who were running into problems, and he was giving them specific advice about dealing with those specific problems in their communities. It was likely never intended to apply to all people everywhere for all time. But somehow that shit is now more important than Jesus’s sermons on the mount. So stupid. If Jesus showed up today, he’d be flipping a lot of tables in evangelical churches.
Somehow, now I’m picturing JC on the Jerry Springer show.
Wait until you see the episode of Maury Povich where Jehovah takes a paternity test.
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