MAGA senate candidate's "Crime Map" turns out to just show drinking fountains

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MAGAts are so thirsty for attention.

That a Black man supporting a gaudy and racist fake billionaire is named “Royce White” is so on-the-nose that it makes me wonder if we are living in a badly written simulation.


And here I am trying to pick the right emoji because “thirsty” made me laugh in context.


To be fair… at one time them there segregated drinking fountains were the center of a crime wave of “them uppity people” just itching for some good old southern justice.


Refund the Police”??



Let me guess, someone handed him a coffee cup full of water and he declared he had been “mugged”


No, no. Refunding the police is possible. I don’t believe there’s any law saying this MAGA senate candidate can’t give their own money to their local police station voluntarily (as long as it doesn’t rise to the level of bribery.) If enough MAGA members did so, the police could make up whatever funds the government cut from their budget.

In fact, at least here in Massachusetts you can volunteer to pay a higher tax rate than the minimum. See line 22 on the Mass 2023 Form 1 tax document. While here you can’t direct that extra money to specific funds in general[*] it shows the government is more than willing to take any additional money you are willing to give it.

[*] There are a few funds that are explicitly listed on the tax form that you can specifically direct funds towards, see line 33 and the descriptions of those funds on pages 14-15 of the Form 1 Instructions. If MAGA here wanted to add additional causes to Form 1 they could file a bill to amend the tax code to do so. [Looking at the list of funds in Massachusetts, these all seem like worthy causes IMO.]


Free commie water? Sounds criminal to me.


“This police I bought is defective I’d like to return it for a refund.”
“Sorry sir, we can only offer store credit.”


White is an interesting example of someone who seems reasonable going off the right-wing deep end and turning into a frothing loon. Just a few years ago, he was being hailed as a civil rights leader, involved in mental health issues and BLM. But it seems like misogyny and homophobia put him in the company of the right, which he embraced with fervor, and now he’s supporting people who are the opposite of everything he was working for previously. Seems like something similar has happened with other famous, ostensibly left-leaning, people whose misogyny/homophobia/transphobia turned them into full-on nazis.


When Royce White was a promising college basketball player teams were wary of drafting him because of his open mental health problems. In the NBA he refused to play until the league adopted a mental health policy. He did so with very intelligent, well-reasoned discussion. In many ways he seems the sort of iconoclast I respect greatly. It’s so fucking depressing when so many free-thinkers end up peddling the same tired, racist and misogynistic bullshit.

I don’t know if his maga turn is part of our failure to provide good mental health care, but there does seem to be unaddressed issues throughout his life

a story from ten years ago when he seemd like the guy on the right side of history:


Happy Hour Drinking GIF


Angry Spongebob Squarepants GIF

Im Not Maya Rudolph GIF by Saturday Night Live



Some predators do hang around water holes, waiting for prey. /s

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You don’t get to call someone a cuck because they fed you some garbage graphics that made you look a fool. An inability to detect humor and irony is a tell with the RW. But given what we’ve learned recently about other political figures, maybe we should be kind to White. Maybe it’s not his fault. Maybe the worms in his brain decided to veer hard right and he’s just the…. Wait for it!…… VICTIM IN ALL THIS!

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“Republicans, what Is your profession?”