MAGA senator's attempt to discredit expert backfires at gun crime hearing (video)

No disrespect, Sen, but you sound like an absolute douchecanoe.


Been a long time since anyone ever called me young :smiley:


But is she blaming black people hard enough? Her lack of attention to the race of the criminals is what has Sen. Kennedy so “confused.”


Oh I don’t think we should assume he’s “playing” dumb. Perfect opportunity to rephrase everything in simple, childlike terms, speaking slowly in a cartoon lilt, asking if he understands after each phrase and just basically turning a laser on his ignorance.


His ignorance is feigned.


Thanks for posting this.
They pretend like the stats on where the guns come from constantly don’t exist.
It’s so bizarre how these assholes have turned Chicago into some dystopian hellscape in peoples’ minds - none of which have even ever BEEN to the city.
When I went earlier this year for work, some MAGA that I know was like “dude, you need to be careful” then on to shootings, gangs, blah blah.
Same shit has been going on with San Francisco as well. FTR, I survived (and very much enjoyed) my trip. Particularly the Italian beef sandwich I had one day.
I’d like to take some of these fucks into a time machine back to the 80’s/early 90’s so they can see what some of these large cities were like compared to 4 decades on.
Take a stroll with young me to the Warfield or the Civic or Slim’s in the City circa 1985. JFC. Not even close.


Any urban area is unsafe in certain areas. Whether it’s a red city or a blue city…that’s just the facts of life and the world we’ve created for ourselves with this ocean of guns we’re drowning in.

I am a white man that lived in the deep South Side for 5 years. There were absolutely places I knew it was unsafe for me to go after dark that were within a leisurely walk of my wife’s condo, but that she’d be relatively safe as a Black woman. And yeah, that sucked.

But I have never, ever felt more unsafe than when I was in Starbucks a year or so before Covid, in the South, where three ammosexuals were there, strapped to the hilt, getting their morning coffee. One guy even had an AR strapped to a harness draped around his chest. That was a deeply upsetting moment and made everyone in the store on edge.


Starbucks Says You Can’t Bring Guns Into Its Stores, Unless You Want To

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CJ Grisham, founder of Open Carry Texas, an organization which took part in Starbucks Appreciation Day by mobilizing gun-owners who carried “everything from deer rifles, to shotguns, to AK-47’s to AR-15’s” in Texas Starbucks stores, says he’ll leave the decision to drink Starbucks while armed up to his 6,000 members. Grisham also told Co.Exist that two local Starbucks store managers had already reached out and said that they would continue to allow open carry in their establishments.

ETA: Starbucks won’t kick up too much of a stink, they only care about one thing, that you have money to spend with them.


Yea, that shit is weird.
In my previous job, I used to have to travel to AZ a lot for work. Our office was in PHX and we’d have offsites in Sedona or Flagstaff.
Saw a lot of guns. Coming back to the valley from Sedona one time, I stopped at a diner and this guy was at the bar strapped with a 6 shooter. Like, WTF Wyatt Burp, you really need to carry to have a slice of pie?

But to my original point - every major US city is lightyears safer than they were just a few decades ago. But MAGA freaks and other assorted right wing cranks act like the opposite is true and it’s so fucking annoying.


Yup, same sentiment from Detroit metro. By mid-90’s downtown Detroit looked bad, but was bereft of bodies to make it bad. Bluntly, worst thing that happened to me going to concerts alone back then was being hit on by random men. Oh, the horror. :scream: /s


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