MAGA will block a Kamala Harris win before final results roll in, says report

Ah, but if they can get one state to bring a case to the Supreme Court, will they agree with the law and the Constitution, or come up with a new and novel interpretation: Trump wins, even in the states he lost. It’s not like they actually have to come up with a legally valid reason, they’ve show that, just an opportunity to misrule and hand the election to their boy.

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If only there were a name for a political movement that wants to preserve the status quo. Conserve it, you could say…


That’s where it’s “convenient” that SCOTUS has already established that they are corrupt and illegitimate. If it comes down to that, they can be duly ignored.

In fact, I would be proactive and remove funding for SCOTUS to operate well ahead of November and continue to withhold it until January 22, 2025. That’s well within the Executive Branch’s official duties - administering the operating budget of the government.


I get all that stuff about the ideals of America, etc.

But how ever perfect your election method might become, and however ‘honourable’ candidates may be, to my mind it is asking for trouble to elect officials who should be absolutely above party politics and whatever it takes to win an election.

Judges, election officials, and probably a vast swathe of public officers should be appointed. Oversight of their work by elected officials - especially at the local level (state or county, etc) - is fine, but they should not be asked to campaign and win elections, inevitably on a party ticket.


True, which is why shifts in swing state legislatures are encouraging:

Hopefully, we’ll see more divided state legislatures moving toward Democratic control.


True, that.
Lord Dampnut gave 'em permission to let their freak flags fly & they obliged.
So, now we all know who they are.

That’s a double-edged sword, though.
It’s too easy to turn Swift Justice into Unbridled Vengence; as the old saying goes:
“Better to let 10 guilty go free than one innocent punished”.

Yeah, it’s frustrating!
It’s both a Feature and a Bug.

Gonna need substantial gains in Congress to get much done, though. The filibuster’s gotta go.
There’s also the matter of an openly corrupt SCOTUS to take care of, along with all the fuckery they have unleashed.
Gonna need an AG with some fire in their belly, too.


Yeah, there are aspects of the Biden admin that I feel Harris should keep (Lina Khan at the FTC, the FCC leadership), but replacing Merrick Garland with someone who’s a little less of a Boy Scout feels like an important thing to do. I’m sure former AG Harris knows a few good candidates.

Edit: s/DA/AG.


You seem to imply that the Democratic Party is extremely left, which it just isn’t. The Democratic establishment is squarely in the middle of the road, and has been compromising on core values like strong unions and women’s health care for decades. Pretending that it is a mirror image of the Republicans is not just naïve, it’s playing into the Republican narrative. Please knock it off with the false equivalencies.


Oh they think they want Trump back, but he’s just the Duce del giorno for them. It’s the superficial want. What they really want is to sit in their little web of resentment, use it like a blanket to keep themselves warm, and revel in the misery of those who dare think themselves equal or even better than them.

But they don’t want Trump back so badly that they want to be martyrs for the cause. They want to feel good, to feel righteous, something different from truly believing in a cause.

This is why Tim Walz’ message of joy is so refreshing. So exhilarating. Unlike Hillary, whose campaign seemed to be how she deserved it, Kamala and Tim managed to reawaken the thrill, the simple happiness.


I think part of the equation that puts a lot of evil fuckheads on his side, is that he’s old and has a crumbly brain. So while they’re happy to have him do the heavy lifting of dismantling democracy, they don’t expect him to be around forever. They either want the throne for themselves, or to have a similar fascist in power that will allow them to have a portion of power/money that they could not get access to in a functional democracy.


I don’t agree. I think it’s more about power and cruelty, and the permission to harm people who are different. If it was about money, they’d be better off with Dems - even current billionaires would. They don’t measure their own happiness in terms of actual quality-of-life; they measure it in terms of how they are doing compared to the people they hate and fear. If you’re a RWNJ, you don’t have to be rich to be happy - you just need BIPOC in chains, women subservient, and LGBTQ folks in the closet. :rage:


And Trump in turn has Project 2025 to do the heavy lifting for him.


Was just reading this morning on Wonkette how the Harris campaign’s embrace of joy and humor is completely melting the Trumpers’ brains.


The Anti-Joy Division

Fun Will Tear Us Apart




When conservatives say “don’t threaten me with a good time”, they’re serious.


I believe that these horrible people are angling for a world where the first buys the second.

Put another way - in addition to being a way of smoothing economic transactions, money is often a proxy for status. They want status in a world where horrible people with status get to do horrible things to people without status.


From the article:

[Keep] fightin’ for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don’t you forget to have fun doin’ it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through kickin’ ass and celebratin’ the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was. [ – Molly Ivins]

Let us take a moment to joyfully sigh and be damn glad we got Molly Ivins for as long as we did.


Sorry if you read it that way, but the Dem party is not far left. There are far left groups that make noise, but nothing on the scale of the far right…and not violent.

Dem party is, as you and others pointed out, middle to even slightly right, when looked at on the global scale.