Making taffy is an absolutely fascinating process

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I’m sure they’d be happy to deliver some to you for the promotion. FedEx will find you. You will eat taffy…


Maybe that’s why they were making the taffy live in the candy store windows of the Atlantic City NJ boardwalk for most of the 20th century.

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I have spent a lot of time looking through the windows here, maybe more so in my late teens ahem than in my earlier years. Many years later, I still wander by from time to time. :slight_smile:
The Goldenrod, York, Maine

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Were taffy pulls (like quilting bees, but with homemade candy) a common thing to do at parties in the 1960s and '70s, or was that just an old fashioned Mormon thing to celebrate their pioneer heritage?

(I can easily imagine “taffy pull” being given a sexualized slang definition, but it was a legit social activity where we all buttered up our hands and… You know what? Never mind.)


We had a taffy pull at home once, when I was a kid :smiley:

It was just our family. As I recall, we made molasses-flavored taffy. I remember pulling it in the kitchen—with two people pulling on the same rope of taffy, slowly backing apart from each other—and wrapping the pieces individually in waxed paper. It was a lot of family fun.


Sounds good!

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We made molasses taffy at school during the bicentennial. (We did all kinds of colonial-type crafts that year. It was a whole thing.)


I know that natural flavors are best, but I do like various purple-flavored (Technically Not Grape or Blueberry) taffy.


Candy! I know its bad for me, and for my teeth, and yet I still crave it.


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