Man allegedly flew cross-country for horse sex

Oh god. I worked the sporting goods department at Kmart during high school. I’d rather scrub a hundred toilets than try to get the smell of spilled deer pee off a linoleum floor.


Woman: “Oh, I did that recently, it was great!”
Man: “What? I thought I was special!”

Did they say how long he was planning to soak? Because I think that would have something to do with cost.

it’s gross, but if the horse was not harmed… whatever man, whatever floats your boat. Surely the cops have better things to do, like people who fly across the country for kiddie sex for example…

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I have read a fair amount of legislative debate with regards to sex laws, and much of it with regards to beastiality makes little sense. It tends to begin with the conclusion that “being too chummy with animals is wrong”, but then haphazardly backfilling (oo-er!) the details as to why and how.

The hardcore fundie types always trot out that all perversions are equal. So that anybody who engages in any of: beastiality, incest, sodomy, child molestation, necrophilia, etc is near certain to enjoy the others.

They discuss the consent of non-human animals, but they never make much sense of it. Sure, I think most people who respect animals would agree that people torturing them and using them as sex toys would be horrific. But they apply the same logic to a woman’s webcam where a male dog runs up and enthusiastically mounts her as a human’s violation of the dog’s consent - even when there is video proof that it was voluntary!

This suggests an unrealistic scenario where animals cannot consent to a human, due to lacking the faculty of language, but this can be seen as begging the question as to how such animals consent to each other. If all unspoken dog sex is rape, then how is this happening with a human different?

The debate all sounds very much like the main concern is the protection of the animals themselves, to shield them from exploitation, abuse, and harm. Yet, these paradoxically seem to be of concern only when they involve humans! If it’s really to protect the animals, they why won’t the police do anything but laugh if I call them when domestic or wild animals engage in rape, incest, or underage sex amongst themselves? Or even cross-species sex that doesn’t involve humans! Who can I call if my (hypothetical) dog mounts my sheep?


Moral: never play the forfeits version of “Cards against Humanity”. The Tiny Horse always wins.


He ought to be careful. Not paying people who know a lot more about your systems than you do can rapidly lead to your systems mysteriously not working any more, and you ending up on a terror watch list.

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Just go to a paddock and roll around like a dog that’s just had a bath, and you’ll get coated in all sorts of livestock excement.

Just stopping by to bemoan (not “piss and moan,” just moan) about the lapsed journalistic standards here at BB.

How in the world is this Gentleman not labeled as such, and merely carries the title of Man?!

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Enjoy some “Gentleman”

From the same crazed mind that brought us:

Horsey noises



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