Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2016/08/12/man-celebrated-oakland-as-wo.html
Christ, what an A-hole.
So it was a “home run”…
Right down the middle?
I can hear the announcer saying “and this one’s going deep . . . IT’S GONE!”
now that’s a fan!
did the surgical team sign the ball and now it is displayed in a glass box on the guy’s desk? cuz I just looked it up and that’s the definition of trufan (uh oh, I looked up that spelling and I’m not sure I like where this is going)
oh look at the time!
Edit: @Vert beat me to it
Guess it’s a good thing the Raider’s didn’t win the Superbowl that year.
Nope… slider.
I’m Batman!
If no lube was available, for his sake I hope it was at least a spitball.
This is why I only follow golf.
Try for a hole in one, and stay away from the rough.
Another one for the “secret anonymous file”.
(I worked in a radiology film library during college, and yes, there was a secret names-blocked-out file of WTF x-rays we saw come down the pike.)
Looking forward to ‘roentgenogram’ being used on Murdoch Mysteries (though, I think the invention of that is much after the series’ period).
I love how the description makes it sound like the guy was trying to act like he had no idea what was causing the pain.
“There’s a round object in there? Huh. Well, now that you mention it, this might be related to something that happened earlier…”
Sports-wise, this guy would have been much better off not straying so far from this one… I forget what it’s called…
Now I’m wondering how he celebrated the previous year’s Oakland Raiders Super Bowl victory.
I came here for the comments… I was not disappointed great work everyone.