Man exercising right to open carry robbed at gun point

Enjoy it! I still think it’s Gandolfini’s best role.

That makes sense, but I’d wager many of those are home invasions?

Okay, I read that as William "Bill" Mumy and was quite confused.

A little judicious use of aluminum foil in the right places would stop us all from knowing what’s up with @jlw 24-7.

Either we all put in on ourselves, or we team-up to stop him from broadcasting his “sekrit” reptiloid-agenda blog-post-motivations.

I really think the solution is obvious.


I’d guess he’s preparing for Hilary…?


[in reply to a deleted post? :-(    ]

Uncle! I give up! You win!

And by way of apology, please accept this delightful fedora, carefully crafted by @crenquis! Such a stylish chapeua for the modern gentleman.


No, I have no idea what the liner is made of. NO IDEA AT ALL.

I didn’t feel getting even more obscure, with jokes about my dog, was going to help our new poster/long time reader figure out how seriously we don’t take s/him.


Some I’m sure, but primarily just everyday B&E, I’m sure car thefts yield some firearms too.


The fact that the assailant only took the gun might indicate that.

I’ve seen other photos like these two clowns.

They might be posing (okay, definitely posing, but) as though they don’t want to be seen looking at the camera,

but these shots often come across as

“Look, look, that guy/girl/whatever is staring at us, because of our pent up aggression on display.”

“Let’s give a hard stare back, like we never, ever would without assault rifles.”


Srsly, these are that movement in corpus form. Someone should tell them, “You open carry? This is you, whether you like it or not. It’s worse than that time your little brother put a sock in his pants because he saw you do it, even though Billy was only 7.”

All right, we’ll do this, then.

The logical equation “X is valuable, A owns X, therefore it’s A’s fault he got robbed” does not hold up. Replace “gun” with “iPad” or “car” or “nice shoes” and see how you feel about it. “Well, A should have kept it hidden” doesn’t work either. We shouldn’t have to hide for fear of criminals. Stretch that point far enough (a long way), and you get “She deserved it, look how she was dressed.”

There’s plenty of reasonable arguments in favor of gun control. And, personally, I think openly carrying your gun around town is usually kind of annoying and douchey. But gloating over this robbery just seems like victim-blaming, and the victim’s membership in a disliked political group doesn’t justify that.

The original statement is that if he hadn’t been carrying the gun he would have still been robbed. The assailant only took the gun, not wallets, shoes, iPods, etc. Try again.


that trope goes back further than that, but Ave Q is awesome.

One can’t go wrong with a musical version of any trope. But it’s circling back around since someone mentioned the internet being used for porn.

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This is not a reasonable substitution you are proposing. Guns are categorically different from iPads or nice shoes.

No lobbying group working on the behalf of Apple has ever claimed that walking around with an visibly displayed iPad will protect you from being the victim of crime.

I wouldn’t say it’s this guys fault he got robbed. What I would say is that if he was carrying a gun because he thought it would make him safer from crime, he was mistaken.


I know that feel.

You can still shop for hats & try them on, just remember to consider how they will look when you get to wear them.

Lie down in a box, place hat on box.

Ha! I too am from Oregon, more or less. I remember one night the police showed up at 2:00am to throw my mother in jail for an unpaid parking ticket. Open carry seems like a good idea in some parts of Oregon.

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So if you aimed it at someone’s head and fired you wouldn’t kill them? I’m asking

They (open carry TX) are stellar upstanding folks:
Spitting, Stalking, Rape Threats: How Gun Extremists Target Women

What the group hasn't publicized are some of its members' more degrading antics. In March, a group of them held a "mad minute" at a firing range, pulverizing a female mannequin with a hail of bullets. They positioned the figure with her hands raised in surrender, naked from the waist up. Afterward, they posed with the bullet-riddled mannequin, her arms blown off and her pants down at her ankles. "Mad minute" is a military expression referring to a burst of rapid fire, and Open Carry Texas members have often referred to Moms Demand Action as "mad moms."

Four of the men who shot up the mannequin were present at the Arlington restaurant, including one listed by Open Carry Texas as a board member and the group’s Director of Operations.

Edit to mention that “the group” in the quote is Open carry TX – the guys in the baby aisle photo are with that group.


Carrying a concealed weapon might make you less of a target for gun theft but it probably wouldn’t be much help if you were robbed at gunpoint. If the other guy has his gun pointed at you already then he’d probably be able to shoot you before you got yours out of the holster. (Not to mention that he’d have more motive to shoot you once he realized you’d be likely to pull a gun on him.)

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