I don’t see any propping. Looks like internal support structures to me, holding up the roof.
Yeah, maybe. Maybe that’s enough to fall foul of local rules, though I rather suspect it’s not being evenly enforced, somehow. (It’s kind of unavoidable, with enforcement of this kind of stuff being complaint-driven in almost all cities.)
Props are anything that can be carried by hand. If it touches the floor and stands alone (except tables and chairs), it’s a scenic piece (and needs to follow all local applicable codes). There are often fights between costumes and props to determine if an umbrella or two-person camel costume is a prop or a costume, but the scenic designer (and props department) would never consider something like a lean to with a roof a prop.
That’s totally a structure, scenery might it be, and needs to follow local code.
Uh, no. Local codes are not based on union fights over what is a prop and what is a set piece.
Uh, no. I’m saying it is a set piece and needs to follow all local codes.
Shuck is maintaining that it is a prop when it is obviously scenery by any reasonable definition. This wouldn’t be a union fight anyway, as all designers, sets, lights, costumes and props are in the same union.
Reading, it’s FUNdamental.
Seriously though, how sensitive are some people’s all-powerful creator gods?
Again, no. Entertainment industry jargon does not define local codes.
As long as we’re sharing seasonally appropriate/blasphemous Futurama jokes…
Again, that is what I am saying. Please read.
Heart: warmed.
It’s the goddamned war on Zombie Christmas!
I find it extremely unlikely that this is the only nativity scene in the township. I find it highly probable that these zoning restrictions are being selectively enforced on one property owner displaying something that some people might consider to be anti-Christian.
Anyone got the Cincinnati area ACLU on speed-dial?
Or maybe call the local Church of Satan… this is kinda what they do.
“inane and immature” … you mean, unlike everything else about the holiday season?
Because nothing says “intelligent and mature” like a house with a giant plastic Santa on it.
I’d tend to agree with you. But if this was the case, he should be able to point out any other nativity scenes in the township that also fall afoul of the same zoning codes, and you’d think he would do that, in his interview, but he doesn’t. Or he did and the news folk didn’t bother including it in their puffy “news of the weird” piece.
And “lol look at how contrarian and edgy and relevant I am!!1!” does?
– Skeptics’ Annotated Zombie Version of the Bible
I’m not sure how contrarian and edgy it is trying to be, since he himself admitted it’s mostly just a promotion for his haunted house.
It’s not unreasonable, then, that he might make something deliberately provocative to gain coverage. I mean, would you and I be talking about a haunted house in a small town in Ohio if not for the attention-grabbing nature of this display?