Man intends to sue Warner Bros. for misleading Suicide Squad trailer

Counterpoint: anyone associated with that two-headed CGI Howard Cosell-impersonating motherfucker can burn in space hell.


Oh totally :slight_smile:
The quote was from the “Clerks” cartoon. They were suing Lucas for Episode 1. The judge offered that as the only defense.


It was the other attorney who objected! Oh! and the judge was Judge Reinhold!

Of course the actual trial they were in was for something else entirely, but as Randall was acting as Dante’s lawyer, he put both Lucas and Spielberg on the stand for his $8.00 back. And it had nothing to do with the trial, just Randall being a doofus. And then it turned into this:

I loved that cartoon! I wish they had made more.


Yes! Cripes, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen that. It was a surprisingly good cartoon with a great visual style and sharp, clever writing (as, um, opposed to pretty much everything Kevin Smith’s done lately).


Have you seen Tusk? Did you not like it? I actually really enjoyed Red State. But I totally understand Smith’s attempt to not to Jersey Trilogy films anymore.

I admit that I haven’t gotten around to seeing Tusk yet, nor Yoga Hosers. Neither one really played anywhere around me. Though I did like Red State. Half of my friends enjoyed Tusk and the other half told me it’s the worst thing they’ve ever seen. One of those kind of movies.

Yeah. I thought Red State was the logical successor to Dogma (my second favorite of his films) and I’ve heard the same about Tusk and Yoga Hosers (which has his daughter starring). I’ll get around to them eventually. :wink:

It becomes clearer and clearer as to the how and why of Donald Trump.

People have soooooooooooo many problems, like the false advertising of movie trailers and chewing gum that loses its flavor all too soon.

Spoiler alert: Green Lantern isn’t real, but Batman is.


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