Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/02/man-licks-window.html
I’d be cool with this only if they were willing to sign a statement refusing medical treatment… though I guess even if they did, they’d still likely pass it to others who aren’t so wilfully insane.
Some people dilute the pool
Sigh. The most dangerous element in society is ignorance.
Trumpers gonna trump…,
Incredibly stupid even before COVID-19.
“Won’t change ma life!”
No, I didn’t really think it would.
AND he’s wearing a mask? talk about mixed messages, dude. this is an admittedly horrible thought, but i’m now seeing a silver lining to all this, with the virus removing some very stupid people from the herd.
That’s basically my boss, 24/7-365, and he still thinks the virus is a Lib hoax. I can’t retire soon enough.
P.S. I don’t miss having to interact with that ahole everyday…
This is no different than the belief that global warming is a hoax, it’s the angry anti-science attitude-- reality doesn’t comport to what I want so I will invent my own reality where my perceived enemies are secretly pulling strings behind the scenes. And like global warming they are perfectly willing to bring us all down the drain with them, gambling with all our lives, not just their own.
So the guy was angry the bank changed its hours. Can you imagine people like this surviving the Great Depression? Or maybe more accurately, complaining about curfews and rationing during World War II?
OT: I marked this ‘NSFW’ before I sent this off to people on my email list, then I thought ‘What am I doing?’ If people are working from home, does it matter if they hear someone spew obscenities?
Should we really be throwing labels around so carelessly?
Man licks window isn’t really news.
Now, if you’ve got a story where Window licks man: That’s news!
Looks like a small town.
He’s going to have to go back there to cash his check or whatever the hell he was trying to do.
I’m sorry - you’re going to have to drive 50 miles to the next TD Bank for service- we don’t want you here.
Ask the window?
Huh, Angry, selfish and belligerent … I wonder who he voted for?
Depends on how they feel about their kids hearing people scream the C-word.
Yes, but the directors version of the video is fucking insane.
Yeah, with everyone working from home, we need to start using NSFK and maybe NSFS (Kids and Spouse, respectively)
A lot of my work stuff is NSFS. I don’t want S knowing how boring my worklife is.