Man proposes to girlfriend on plane, then barfs before her

So true. The most curious thing is that, for my money anyway, the weird gross stuff one does as a Dad doesn’t even seem strange until well after the fact. It once took my about six diapers to get my son changed when he was about ~8 months old because… well… doesn’t matter. Didn’t even think to mention it to Mrs ATL until weeks later.


I thought it was very sweet. Stan Marsh always barfs after speaking to Wendy.

Well, you’re problem solving in the moment.


I had a similar (not similar) experience in college. I was 3 sheets on keg beer in the room of a female friend and I barf-sprayed beer all over her room (I hadn’t eaten dinner yet, college priorities…). We cleaned it up and, in events that were at the time - and still remain - a surprise to me, we made out. We dated for a week, then I broke up with her on valentines day to pursue a relationship with my now wife of 15 years. So, kinda similar I guess, I don’t know. I feel like it counts.

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“It seemed like a good idea at the time” is pretty much what my wife and I (now together almost 20 years) use to describe any pre-us silliness. Her previously marriage, a weird relationship I had in law school, dumb adolescent stuff.

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I consider the BB post itself hidden. Nope, nope and nope.

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