Originally published at: Man smears dog excrement on far-right German politician | Boing Boing
So, I guess enshittification is not always bad
I’m sorry Frau von Storch, I’m trying to remove the dog shit but frankly I can’t tell where you end and it begins!
If one were writing even a slightly tongue-in-cheek spy novel one would be hard pressed to concoct a more hackneyed villain name than Beatrix von Storch [heel click]
This is an escalation from the pies in my day. Let’s pie the polluting lolly has turned into let’s shit the polluting nazi.
Hmmm, gotta say that given her politics, I’m torn on the validity of this shitty tactic.
Language like “spiritual and moral renewal of our nation” has more than a faint whiff of fascism.
“We fight with arguments; AfD-haters fight with feces,” she said. “No matter what despicable means they resort to, we will fight unwaveringly and now more decisively for the spiritual and moral renewal of our nation.”
Is it though?
Controversial I mean. Not that it’s optional.
Weirdly so, yeah… didn’t seem controversial to my grandfather a while back, but now a days, you post about punching nazis and some people start talking about how it makes you “as bad” as the nazis!
I don’t think this is the worst use of dog poo.
The number of cars who whip past me at 60 in a 30 zone, at the end of my dog-walk, well, I’ve got a full bag of last-night’s dinner and a strong right arm.
So tempting to fuck up their windscreen-wipers.
So far, so restrained…
What unseemly abuse! (To the dog shit, that is)
But @AdolfHitlerLover1488 might not be a nazi, then you would have punched an innocent person! /s
I don’t think ‘moderates’ and ‘centrists’ realise how far-right they appear to be.
Scheiße, what an asshole! (The nazi, not the other guy.)
Isn’t this unfair to the poor innocent Dog Poo?
Punching a Nazi is only controversial with people who think it might be fun to march with them.