Man who inspired "The Terminal" died in airport where he lived for 18 years

That one actually makes sense. LOL

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“An unbelievable trip on a crazy airplane”


Dear Lieutenant CommanderVeronica,

I don’t know what to reply. The film as released in 1993 in France was entitled “Tombés du Ciel”. The 1147 Americans (latest estimate) who saw the film in arthouse theaters back in the 90s, saw something renamed “Lost in Transit”. It wasn’t me who did the translation, and google.translate didn’t exist back then, so it was probably the task of some assistant to an assistant in an LA studio to find a title that would work. It was enough to catch Stephen Spielberg’s eye and the rest is history.

FWIW, film titles are just about never translated in a literal way.

Did you read any of the subsequent replies from multiple posters explaining that movie titles have a tendency to be transliterated rather than strictly translated word-for-word? After all, they are an art form.


Did he not get any money from the film rights to his story?? (I’m thinking of the - albeit fictional character - Harry Bosch who bought a house in the Hollywood hills after selling the rights to his story)

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