Originally published at: Man urinates on carpet in airport terminal | Boing Boing
Is he a Wells Fargo exec?
Came here for this, not disappointed.
I tried this once but couldn’t go cuz everyone was watching.
That’s a lot of pee. I’ve never been able to hold that much pee.
edit to add that this video is apparently 10 years old and the guy was an actor in TWILIGHT.
I post this only to demand that someone write a definite article
edit to add Beschizza has since removed this demand that was in the original post, so one can only assume that the above has satisfied him. You’re welcome, Rob.
Ambien and maybe alcohol. I don’t think the boy knew where he was or what he was doing. He wasn’t transgressing deliberately. He was just sleepwalking.
What did they say at the end?
“He shit too right?”
Mixing Ambien with alcohol at an airport is transgressively stupid.
I doubt it, because then he’d be peeing on his customers.
Wired: Pissing on airport carpets.
Tired: Bus stations.
I didn’t rightly know how absorbent that thin carpet was until…
Now we know why every ‘Flight Attendant Tips on Flying’ article says “don’t walk around with your shoes off.”
There are 7B+ people in the world. And many many cameras, and the internet and social media that can flash such stories of “aberrant ” behavior Across the world in an instant, and near sentient artificial intelligence that magnifies the trends. I say this isn’t aberrant behavior. This is, hopefully, a small percentage of the human race acting the way they are supposed to – completely strangely. And now we just see it because we’re all connected. I’m frankly surprised that we don’t see this all the time with so many people Boxed into so many rigid systems and routines and locations. Made to conform to a society they don’t necessarily understand or feel they fit into. I’m surprised we are all going as strong as we are. I guess I am a nihilist though. At least on my good days.
Wow. Thank you for that context!
The TMZ link above has the details. He was very very very drunk. Also famous(ish)
Art of course.
Is this where dank carpet is made?
Yep - that’s definitive, alright.
Perplexed that the word ‘gentleman’ was not used here.