Man lived in Chicago airport security area for three months

Originally published at:

I’ll bite: what are the best?


It seems to me one’s exposure to Covid would me much greater living in an airport for months, vs just getting on one flight back home.

Also, the dude must be rich. I’d be tapped out in a week eating airport food with no income coming in.


I heard you had to buy a bottle of Champagne to find out…


Part of me (if I were the judge) would sentence him to “time served” for roaming these back areas of the airport if there were no other crimes involved.


First thing I thought of when I read this story are those Nazi “3percenters” doing the ranger file up the capitol steps. REALLY hope the people in charge have done a thorough search of the entire complex.

Method of loci


As in Charlie Stross’s latest?

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As far as I remember a psychiatrist from Baltimore told me about it.


I would recommend Stross’s latest oeuvre, Dead Lies Dreaming, wherein the concept is treated somewhat more literally.

Spoiler: in a house in Kensington, a painted-over door that shouldn’t lead anywhere turns out to be the entrance to the physically instantiated, labyrinthine memory palace of a dynasty of magicians. As it’s been developed over generations, different exits lead to different times, or at least to memories of different times – which doesn’t mean their denizens can’t kill you.


So when he was nabbed was he tossed into jail with a bunch of potentially Covid-infected people? If infection is really his hang-up, I cannot even imagine his level of distress now.

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I spent the night there when I was 19 years old. It was pre-9/11 and security wasn’t that high, I slept on some benches in the baggage claim area where I can recall the godfather theme song muzak continuously played.

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