Margot Robbie is rumored to be the new Invisible Woman in The Fantastic Four

Originally published at: Margot Robbie is rumored to be the new Invisible Woman in The Fantastic Four | Boing Boing


I find it hard to believe Comic Book Resources these days that with her playing what has basically turned out to be the main character in the DC universe that her contract allows her to be in a Marvel movie


Batman was also The Vulture, so it’s hardly unusual for A-list actors to swing both ways.

Anyway who would agree to “no Marvel movies” condition in their contract when Marvel projects make up such a huge proportion of the money being spent on making movies?


Well yes, but Michael Keaton spent 30 years not being Batman in between, during which he played the villain in a couple of MCU movies before returning to Batman for a supporting role in a single film that is going to have multiple Bats man in it.

Margot Robbie is for better or worse, the only actor (aside from Sean Gunn, of course), who a sure bet to make it through James Gunn’s reboot, in films at least. She’s led three movies, two of which are the more critically successful DCU movies. She’s their Robert Downey Jr / iron Man.

And while Sean is in both He’s a minor character in BMCU, and I don’t think anybody over there is too worried about him playing the Weasel in the DCU.

My assumption is that she has a multi-movie deal with conditions on it that prevent her from appearing as a character as major as Sue in the competitors franchise until she has completed all the movies in that deal.

Interestingly, I wonder if that will be rendered null and void if the FTC get rid of non-compete clauses though…




She’s great and I hope the rumors are true, but if not her work as Harley is still one of the singular best live-action adaptations of a comic character.


When she first signed on to play Harley Quinn it wasn’t at all apparent that the movie would be well received enough to generate any sequels, or even that the DCEU was long for this world. After her movies made a lot of money she was in a good enough position to negotiate favorable conditions for sequels.

If I were her I wouldn’t sign a contract that came with a “NO MARVEL” stipulation unless it had a pretty big fat bonus attached given the opportunities she’d be leaving on the table. It’s not even a given that such a stipulation would do DC any favors, because if Marvel fans really love her in Fantastic Four then they’d be more likely to turn out for future Harley Quinn movies, not less.


Is the reason it’s only a rumour because she’s going to do the Invisible Woman role the same way Brad Pitt did Vanisher in Deadpool 2?


Ah, but you see, she won’t be “appearing” at all!

On account of the invisibility!!


You could be right. I’m not in the film industry, - just speculating based on how awful and one-sided most contracts are, especially when it comes to competition. I guess we will see (or not as @1000YearBan points out) what happens.

I also don’t trust anything from CBR these days since they seem to just be making stuff up whole cloth for clicks in most cases now. I’m pretty sure they got bought up by a private equity firm…


Out of curiosity I looked it up and it appears that California courts have ruled “noncompete” contracts for actors illegal back in 2016 (this was regarding a case where someone tried to sue Danny Trejo for playing a vigilante character in Machete even though an earlier contract with another filmmaker said he couldn’t).

More recently the FTC is looking to outlaw noncompete agreements entirely, so that would be nice.


It saves money because she’s already CGI.

Rim shot.


I didn’t see that coming!


Oh, to have a strong union! I am assuming that’s why it’s specifically a cut out for actors?

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I was a Fantastic 4 fan in the 1960’s.

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I’m sure this isn’t how it really happened, but I like to imagine Danny Trejo intimidating everyone–including the courts–until he could do whatever he wanted.


Especially if he did it by doing nothing. Just sitting silently in the courtroom being Danny Trejo


the best part of a couple of pretty bad movies imo

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And let’s not forget his other high-flying superhero:


All I knows is if anyone can play Sue Storm-Richards and bring some credibility to the role (not just a pretty face), it’s Margot Robbie or maybe Lupita Nyong’o.