Marjorie Taylor Greene displays profound memory loss with long string of "I don't remembers"

Look at what some shithead wrote…


I hope that man fucks right off the fucking planet. Dipshit.


I’m going to be extremely angry if this pathetic tactic ends up working. Which I fully expect it to. I will be shocked if she’s barred from running again, let alone kicked out of office or facing actual criminal charges as she should be. But who knows, maybe this will finally be the time a Republican doesn’t get away with a slap on the wrist or less, and maybe it’ll become a trend.


I think the problem is that no Republican voter in the whole country, let alone her state, give a fuck that she’s a liar or that she tried to help an attempt to violently overthrow the government.


She makes me so fucking angry I wish I could send her a gross of Forget-Me-Nots!


i was a little surprised they didn’t ask her something like, even if you don’t remember saying ( this thing we have on video ) do you feel it represents your views, and is it something you would be likely to say again?

or even better: do you think biden won?

it feels like then she’d have had to contradict her supporters - or put herself on record in front of the judge.


If MTG’s lips are flappin’, she’s lyin’.

#NeverVoteRepublican - they cannot recall a thing
#TaxTheRich - they enable and fund RepugliKKKlanners
#TaxTheChurches - they enable them, too


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