Marjorie Taylor Greene to audience: "I am not going to mince words with you all. Democrats want Republicans dead and they have already started the killings."

Left unsaid, but heavily implied:
“So, we gotta get them before they get us!”


Or just one of the many young people who have rung a doorbell because they’re lost or whatever. Somehow there’s no problem with shooting them.


I’ve been owing people Cokes left and right recently!

coke GIF


Two years after the wildfires, there are still “You loot - we shoot” signs up in some areas here. Assholes.


"Democrats want Republicans dead,

Some of us, yes. You seem determined to force a violent outcome by your complete refusal to respect other peoples’ right to exist, and while I would rather resolve things peacefully, if you can’t be reasoned with then as far as I’m concerned the world is better without you Nazi fucks in it.

and they have already started the killings."

You’re not dying, just dead wrong. We actually know right from wrong and the only way you guys are getting killed is if you try to kill us first. So maybe don’t do that, turn the Civil War 2 bus around, and stop trying to make the United States a genocidal fascist theocracy, if you’re so worried about your safety.




This is the key right here. The Religious Right and MAGAs in the US have been working hard to frame themselves as an oppressed group of victims for many years now. This work is starting to bear fruit in the form of mass shootings, violence at rallies, and so on.

They seem to want a civil war. They seem to think that’s going to make anything better. :confused:


Ain’t no seem to about it… they definitely want one. It will give them the cover they need to wipe out those of us they find “undesirable” and to gain control of the country. They’ve been saying it for years to each other, and it’s really come to the fore in the Trump era. They believe war is a good, justifiable action in service to their cause - the most critical engine of history that they can use to bring about their utopia.


The word that usually springs to mind is projectile - that can be used in a number of ways when referencing Republicans.


I don’t want them dead, I just want them out of my country.


Her ass. She minces words out of her ass.


How Bout Both GIF by Joey Bada$$

That way someone else doesn’t have to deal with them… I suggest Mars.

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10 posts were split to a new topic: Give American Fascists Their Homeland (AKA Give Up)

MTG is on a malignant roll.


I’m surprised that EmptyG accorded a Jewish man the esteemed status of “white”. That’s usually not the style of her and her Nat-C ilk.


She’s probably not even aware that he’s Jewish…


Actually, proven by the fact that she hasn’t taken on dump on Harris’ husband yet for being Jewish.


Yeah, the religious right has always been doing that, even as they very successfully managed to exert a hugely disproportionate degree of control over the country - owning the Republican party and effectively being a veto for mainstream cultural output. (When the religious right made a fuss, it could get tv shows canceled, movies altered in production or blocked from wide release, music and books taken off the shelves…)

I always thought it was part of Christian mythologizing about their own history and trying to connect themselves with these (mostly fictional) Christian martyrs - that seeing themselves as a beleaguered outsiders was an important part of group identity that was about keeping in-group coherence and political motivation. But more recent years have shown that it is so much more than that, as their broader control over the country has been so visibly slipping - they’ve turned it into a weapon against out groups as well.

It’s a death cult, so… not necessarily better…

I keep thinking about how Republicans, projecting, are absolutely sure that “the left” want to murder them all, and I keep thinking about how the left actually want to give them health care and jobs with living wages and social support and a functional, equitable criminal justice system, and an environment that’s not going to kill them… and maybe, as a side effect, they’ll realize that their lives aren’t precarious - or actually shit - because of scary brown people, but because of Republican policies.

I keep wondering, would they actually articulate their position as “Give me no health care and no living wages and a police state and climate disaster… or give me death!”? Because it sure seems like those are death…


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