Originally published at: Married with Children is getting an animated reboot | Boing Boing
I can’t wait.
Tell me that Peggy Bundy will be animated with one big eye.
Doesn’t seem strictly necessary, the original show was already wildly cartoonish.
WHY? The show aged really badly. All the rebooting is getting really tiresome.
Wanna reboot something? Do Golden Girls instead! At least you can excuse some characters dated views with “they’re old “
There is no way to recreate Married with Children even with the original cast. That whole early Fox Network stuff was something. Married With Children, Tracy Ullman (where The Simpsons originated), 21 Jump Street, and a year or two later… In Living Color, Herman’s Head, Roc, etc…
I remember when all their programming was on weekend evenings, it was something to look forward to, now, not so much.
Look, as much as I loved the show.
Stop it.
Get some help.
That is a show that would absolutely NOT work in our day and age.
I bet they use that crappy flash based animation technique.
They once tried to make an animated primetime adaptation of The Blues Brothers back in the 1990s too. I can’t see how that would work considering that so much of the humor from the original film came from the juxtaposition of live-action deadpan and cartoon physics.
Not only has much of the humor aged terribly but the whole premise is nonsensical in today’s economy. We’re supposed to believe a guy who works at a mall shoe store is able to support a family of four and own a three-bedroom home?
They were pretty progressive on the show, actually.
I don’t know, I’d rather have a continuation of the original with them older, like “That 90’s Show”.
It was so cartoonish that they could just run the original footage through one of those filters the kids use today and - voilà: animated series.
It’s also interesting how LGBTQ-friendly early Fox was in comparison to its competition. Admittedly that’s not saying much but Roc had the first same-sex marriage on a TV sitcom, The Tracey Ullman Show had a gay couple and their daughter as recurring characters, and, as Matt Baume documented, Married… could be surprisingly tolerant.