Originally published at: Mars orbiter image shows a crashed flying saucer…. or something else entirely | Boing Boing
It’s a semi-circular dune at the end of the path.
Yeah, sure it is… and this is really Kermit the Frog.
I see a bunch of Martian high school kids with too much time on their hands.
Funny how when only part of a formation is visible our brains’ natural instinct is to mentally picture the hidden half as a mirror-image of the part we think we can make out.

Video shows a great context shot. The red spot/mouse cursor is where the closeup is from. I dunno about you, but looking at the surroundings it is pretty clearly a normal feature for the area and not a crashed saucer. Sigh… I want to believe.
It’s a potato, an invasive on Mars, left over by careless humans
Damn drunk UFO pilots, reckless aliens crashing their crafts into defenseless planets. Sad.
it seems odd no one has pointed out the gigantic human head at the bottom right of that image. surely that can’t be a natural phenomenon…
It’s clearly just a defunct example of one of Schiaparelli’s canals, as they’ve just found there’s a whole buncha water nearby… “Scientists Just Found a ‘Significant’ Volume of Water Inside Mars’ Grand Canyon”
Without knowing anything about the elevations, it looks to me like there was a collapse at the “saucer” end of the image that resulted in two downhill flows of material resulting in a series of dunes down the elevation along both tracks. Even without assuming ALIENS, it’s a pretty interesting feature!
It’s a fossil of a giant sandworm obviously
I see that image and all I can think is:
Man, the coin got jammed and now they’ll never get their giant Mars bar!
If we trace the outline…
… before you know it; you are throwing buckets of kerosene at a burning stuntman.
Wherever these guys are from, they are pretty horrible pilots…
This scene is terrific. Cara, It is amazing.
Doesn’t look like Elon Musk, but…
Apart from the changes he made to the photo he didn’t make changes to the photo.
Its really the entrance to the Ice Warrior base.