Martha's Vineyard is running out of weed

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Huh. I wonder just how much open water needs to be crossed before those Federal laws kick in. It’s less than 3.5 miles from the mainland to the Island. It’s not like there’s a port of entry / customs check involved in that travel. That’s less than half the length of that bridge to the Florida Keys, and they can smoke weed there, right?


If it’s not legal to ferry over, how did they legally open in the first place?


As a resident of a state that now allows recreational cannabis and a former medical card holder who got a federal ticket for cannabis on fed lands, I can say that ANY amount of weed on fed lands or waters is verboten. We kayaked to a camp site across a very small body of water, had legal camping permits etc drinking wine and broke out a bowl at midnight as we watched the fire die out only to have two rangers appear out of the brush and basically arrest me for enjoying my ‘medicine’. They gave zero sh!ts about the medical card. Though they did let me off lightly (no jail)

Similar thing happened to a friend who went to her car in Yosemite (iirc) and they swooped in and arrested her for having a single toke.

It’s pure straight up racism that cannabis was ever considered as dangerous as heroin and meth. Merikkkah! Racist AF since Forever.


Legally in MA you can grow up to six plants per adult per household per year, so a house with two adults = 12 plants, which is way more than even the most devoted toker could use in a year. Even if you account for removing the male plants you can still grow a lot of usable herb. I’m surprised there isn’t a small population of local dealers selling bags like the old days. It’s not like the entire island is wealthy elites.


How about a pneumatic tube to provide a … pipeline for weed?




medical card holder here, living in the Keys. that bridge you mention connects the middle keys (60+ miles from mainland) to lower keys (big pine, key west) and is - as you correctly suggest - the seven mile bridge.
however, the upper keys (key largo, islamorada) starts a full eighteen miles from the mainland over a national park (everglades/ florida bay). is that transporting across federal waterway? yes! it absolutely IS!
don’t give our idiot governor any ideas. that asshole hates the keys and would happily cut us off from our legal cannabis if he could!


Too much pressure for me. Nothing like a drone for being high.
Drone Hammock GIF


Maybe they need to pull a district of columbia and decriminalize under 1oz?

It’s not legalization, but as a practical matter if you can’t “roll up” ppl – get them to snitch on their dealer, and in paralell can’t get warrants/resources to go after grows etc since the smell of an oz vs ten pounds wrapped up can make it hard to find the ones moving it around…

anyways, it sucks they moved in such an incremental way that keeps it black market imho because plants are complex they can get moldy or parasites and it’s good imo to have it in a store where it’s tested and terps labeled and thc percent listed and all that and im sad i have to manage my anxiety w alcohol tonight knowing i’d wake up well rested and productive if it had been weed but instead my gaba will be all off and ill be surly tomorrow

(sorry to drunk post)


“Fine Fettle in West Tisbury, the only legal marijuana cultivator on the Vineyard, had halted its growing operation in April with [expectations to close by September] (Vineyard marijuana dispensary to close - The Martha's Vineyard Times) due to costs.”

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I’m confused. The mainland is part of the state of Massachusetts. So is the island. I guess the water is part of the United States but not part of Massachusetts specifically? Does this apply to lakes as well? Is it illegal to ferry marijuana across a lake but legal to drive it around the edges? Is it only for bodies of water that touch other states/countries so it would be legal in most lakes but not legal in any of the Great Lakes, even if you were just hopping from lower to upper Michigan or something?


We’ve made a lot of progress in a lot of places, but all the rest of the ganja fuckery must end soon.


Brilliant idea! And I know just the guy to build it:



Don’t let him see this post. I’m sure that he gets all of his ideas from r/ShowerThoughts.


The DEA have said that seeds and seedlings are not controlled substances, as they contain little or no THC. This was said relatively recently, though, so I don’t know if it was relevant at their time of opening.


Seems a bit risky

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You might think, but I hear a lot of complaints that the corporate stuff is also typically highly adulterated and poorly regulated for contaminants and such. :person_shrugging:

Sorry to hear that you feel a need to medicate your anxiety. Have you tried other ways besides alcohol? That seems among the worst of them.


There’s plenty of stores nearby. Remember to stock up when you do your shopping or on your way there. Or have a friend help out.


I think I once read that it at least used to be three nautical miles, because that used to be the approximate range of a cannon shot from land?

That said, if you’re on a road, however far from land, it’s not the laws of the sea that govern what you’re doing. The Keys are along US-1, and highways are maintained by the state, so I think that’s the reason for the difference?