Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/03/marvin-gayes-singing-isolated-in-i-heard-it-through-the-grapevine.html
He had an awesome voice, but I also dig the strings on this song.
(I still remember the moment when I heard he died. )
Can we get the same for the CCR original version, and then mix and match music and singing?
Huh, sounds familiar. Ah - right! (I knew I heard it on BB. Or should I say: I heard it on the boing boing
Or non-isolated vocals (my weird mashup): https://soundcloud.com/jerry-sneede/9-to-radar-5-love
That’s…interestingly horrifying o.o’.
What a powerful performance, she really sticks the landing on those last verses.
It feels like she is giving absolutely everything to sound like that.
In analog thinking you need what audio mutants call a Master, an original recording. His vocal track is right there, however while some master recordings exist they are out of reach.
Is this a digital work around? Is software responsible for this bit of magic?
So do I; it was a sad day and such a needless tragedy.
Interesting how so few folks in a thread about Marvin are actually discussing Marvin.
“I come up hard, baby…”
And now I’m fine.
Heard it through the Grapevine needs those strings!
This was obtained through a software that was recently open sourced.
(Edit: it was not, that one just the vocal track alone. Thanks to user KingGhidorah for correcting me. That software is still interesting, although the results are way inferior than the real thing.)
Repository here:
I’d be interesting to hear Marvin Gaye’s voice placed on this brit pop sounding cover by Kaiser Chiefs.
I always knew that Marvin Gaye was a fine singer, but I never understood before what an amazing instrument his voice actually was.
trolley or not, Fogarty was certainly the first (and only) to ever sing “Hoid It Thru the Grapevine”
I really was joking since the “CCR original” is brought every single time with the Marvin Gaye version.
FTFY: Rammstein is bargin bin, honestly…
That mashup is still great
Nice one! I’m going to use that myself from now on whenever someone corrects me online. Thanks!