Sure! I did blog from the road - it was 2006, so I used a Dell laptop, an EVDO modem, and a cell phone booster I ran off a solar battery - but that website’s long gone. So I put the photos from the West Coast leg into a Google album for you: Astoria - Santa Barbara [07/18 - 09/17/2006]. They’re mostly in order, north to south, though I see there are a few from SFO that show up sooner than they should.
Doing a Pacific Coast cycletour from Vancouver to Tijuana is on my immediate-post-COVID bucket list. I’ve done some pieces of it over the years, notably I’ve covered everything from Muir Beach to Tunitas…
Had to think back for a minute - that was a Sierra Designs Clip Flashlight 2, model year 2005 or so. It was a great tent, but not freestanding, which was an issue now and then on the road. I’ve got a Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL2 now (the older design, without the vestibule awnings). More room, weighs less, progress and all that. I’ve only spent the night in it a few times, but haven’t had the chance to tour with it yet.