Massive, tentacle-covered annotated works of HP Lovecraft


I recently got the Barnes&Noble Hardcover Collectible Edition. Now I don’t know if I should feel bad because the Amazon page of this new book doesn’t have a picture of the actual book.

Hmmm… It’s actually got a smaller page count than the B&N edition. Of course, that needn’t mean anything without info about font size, et cetera.

Just saw this at the local library last night. It’s a beauty…with fantastic illustrations and annotations. A Cthulu Chrismas for one and all…

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Leslie Klinger is really, really good at what he does. He is a worthy successor to Martin Gardner when it comes to annotation. This book should be good for hours of unspeakable, unnameable, non-Euclidian fun!

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I’m suddenly craving calamari.

I was looking for a HP Lovecraft collection, so bought and thank you. :smile:

Is this one, or is there an unabridged complete Lovecraft volume or volumes?


Not sure how, but I ran across this free complete H.P. Loveraft (ebook) somewhere along the way. Apparently still available and in various formats for either ereaders or Calibre and even in .pdf format. Might want to have a looksee.

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You should feel good. The B&N is complete and currently (according to Joshi) the best one to get. The New Annotated Lovecraft contains 22 well selected works, and is well worth getting as well (I have both and feel very good about it). You will still want something you can actually carry around, though, so pick up a free ebook of his complete works to feel excellent.

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