Matt Gaetz just encouraged people at a rally to shoot Silicon Valley workers

Not from the US but “the right to hold arms to rise up against a tyrannical government” (paraphrasing) ironically hasn’t been used in the past decades except by knuckleheads that seem to have a quid pro quo agreement with the folk in power…

How much amendment to the 2nd amendment needs to happen before this norm spreads like a virus to the rest of us?

Matt Gaetz Clarifies He Meant ‘Armed’ Government Overthrow, Not Murdering Tech Workers


Oh, gee, calling for violent sedition is so much better than calling for the murder of tech workers.

It will be very satisfying to see this real-life version of fratboy bully from a 1980s movie end up behind bars.


Maybe it is. It is what came up when I asked google to define it.

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