Meet Martin Riese, water sommelier

We were badly dehydrated. It was over 90F, we were at about 7000 feet elevation, we hadn’t had any water for most of the day, and we’d been hauling 70 pound backpacks. I was on the edge of heat stroke, and could barely stay on my feet.

Yes, I would have drank dog piss straight from the dog if one were available.

Imagining how that would work, logistically- how would you get a dog to piss into your mouth willingly?
On second thought, why the hell am I even thinking this? Everything about that image just made me laugh.

Glad to know you made it. Bring a filter bottle always man!

That’s double meta. Complaining about hipsterpreneurs, then apologizing for doing so, but complaining
about having to slum down and buy bottled water, totally buying into the bad system of the man, but while
you were casually “spending some time in Bali”.

The irony is incredible. I will take you at your word though- no metacomplaining intended. I really mean that too, but there is honestly no way for you to not read that with sarcasm if you wanted to.

So I’ll absolve you of any possible sin (again, assuming none) by apologizing for pointing out the double meta irony making even this apology even more meta.

I think I tri-meta ironyed here- so let the bad be on me :blush:

True, but if you’re getting mystery growth in a tropic environment in your water bottle, it may be an “every little bit helps” sort of thing.

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