Meet the millennial who's mapping the Catholic Church’s land holdings to fight climate change

Originally published at: Meet the millennial who's mapping the Catholic Church's land holdings to fight climate change | Boing Boing


That’s pretty great. It’s lucky there’s a relatively humane Jesuit Pope like Francis for her to potentially work with instead of Ratzi. If the RCC wants to maintain its membership (and power) going forward this is the kind of initiative that will bring in more young people. It would be even better for the environment if the Church loosened its stand on birth control and abortion, but with the Vatican you take what you can get.


Yep. They really do need to lean into their more human-centric, social justice side and less into the authoritarian side, don’t question the hierarchy side.

I hope one day. It’s not like this was the theology from the beginning, so it can change again.


Fascinating. Especially the detail about the Vatican statistics department working without WiFi and in Word.

Popular culture has made the Vatican seem much more advanced than they really are. I despise Dan Brown’s take on things but I see it has still left me with an image of the Vatican as secretly more advanced than they seem. Turns out they’re exactly as advanced as they seem.

Well, Dan Brown and the masterwork that is Hudson Hawk.


Is ‘millennial’ still a worthwhile clickbait tag then? Is it relevant that this person was born between 1980 and 2000?

I look forward to reading it all the same…


I escaped the “Church” early in life, but it’s many scars on me still remain, if the Catholic religion worked on any level, they’ve had enough time [2000 + years] to prove its so called benefits…


Firstly, hell yeah Catholic Worker. My wife grew up the the NYC-LES branch, and they are radically good people. It really is wild to see the Catholic Church struggle in real time with the dueling moral philosophies of harm reduction vs. order and hierarchy. To be honest, I associate the CC so strongly with the latter, than any shift to the former seems incredibly hopeful.


No, you take what they give you and you like it.


To be fair, quite a number of people do believe it works for them and find benefits to being in the church. It’s obviously not for everyone - even in my own family, on the catholic side, I had members who stayed and remain active and those who did not. But there are still over a billion catholics in the world.


It’s sadly, still not real/never proven, one billion or not. To each their own, I respect the collective decision to worship/religion, but realize they can not respect mine not to. Likely an argument to go on for eternity, or at least for another 2000 years…


I don’t think the point is that there is some proof of god/Jesus that’s incontrovertible. I think it’s that membership in the church works for some and not others. I have little interest in getting into people’s truth-claims here about that, because it’s not something we can really prove either way.

Again, that’s certainly true of some. Others are more live and let live.

Yeah probably.


This seems like a good effort to get going with the current Pope in place, which I hope lasts for a while. He’s old and not in perfect health, so it’s not at all a given, and the CC might shift back to a much more conservative posture once his term is complete, alas.


I was thinking the same thing. Why is it relevant that she’s in her thirties? I would understand it if she was really young or really old but she seems to be pretty much exactly the age where one does such things as she does.


I found out a while back that the Catholic Church still counts folks who dropped out / stopped practicing as Catholic. I think it was an NPR show. Anyway, when I found that out, I found out how to renounce my baptism and did it. I doubt many folks go to the trouble.

So, maybe not a billion folks in reality. :wink:


My general point remains that it still works for some, even if not for others. :woman_shrugging:


Yes, that is true.


Maybe this mapping could also be used to identify assets that are available to pay damages to all the children that were abused by church leadership. Two birds, one stone.



Honestly, just because I was struggling with a headline about why this might be interesting or relevant to BB readers (which I do think it is). Maybe it wasn’t the best choice, but I thought it would have been way more conspicuous to focus the headline on the Catholic Church positivity.

How would you suggest summing this up in a headline?


It doesn’t matter to me that you used “millennial”, but if it bothers others maybe…

“Meet the young Catholic who’s mapping her Church’s land holdings to fight climate change”