A valid point, but if I try to seriously imagine what traveling into space would physically be like, based on what astronauts have said (the HUGE G-force of liftoff, the non-stop zero-G of orbit, and of course viewing the curve of the Earth from space), I think Sargent’s mind would be sufficiently blown to ditch any more of the “flat Earth” bullshit. Actually @Bernel makes a better point-- the guy might be so confused and angry that he’d be a danger to himself and others up there.
Chances are he would refuse anyway, either because he knows he’d be proven false, or because his paranoia says it’s an obvious attempt for NASA to silence him with another space shuttle “accident.”
There exist other, quite popular belief system that are at least as goofy but which we choose to respect more than flatearthianity. As long as these guys aren’t trying to use force to impose their beliefs on others, or rewrite laws based on these beliefs, I have no problem with them
I am a flat earther, but I’m willing to change my mind. All I need is for someone to fund a trip to the ISS for me. No, I’m not just trying to score a free trip to the ISS by pretending to be a flat earther. Heavens, no…