You think CNN guests will be able to handle it?
See, that’s why you never get invited on TV anymore!
"Well, Alisyn, it was a hard time and a sticky situation, but I pulled through and it came out okay. …and I’m not wearing any pants."
Look, CNN is all about the ratings, and Toobin is ratings dynamite. Yessir, nobody drives the lucrative 18-35 year old demographic like Jeffrey Toobin. HBO was about to offer him the lead role in their Game of Thrones spinoff, while Amazon had him slated to star in the second season of their Lord of the Rings prequel, but CNN scooped them all.
Ratings ratings ratings, Toobin Toobin Toobin. CNN is on a mission to max out profits and nothing says greenbacks like Toobin.
Or, maybe, it’s just a clubhouse for forgettable minor league personalities running on fumes led by people without the slightest clue about money who are mostly thinking about propping up an exhausted system.
No, that can’t be it. That ol’ Toobin magic is about to start! Sit back and watch the ratings soar!
No, no. Sit back and watch them rise.
In fairness, I think he’s a former meeting masturbator… or is it, meeting masturbator emeritus…
This is one of those threads that you’d have to get in really early to beat off all the punsters.
I don’t think that they’ll be able to pull it off for very long at all.
Hallelujah - it’s the Second Coming.
In other news, CNN announced that they will replace Shaggy Dog stories with Shag-a-Dog stories.
No, I don’t understand it either. The New Yorker did the right thing by firing him. Any employee engaging in such conduct during a company meeting should be fired. But CNN giving him what amounted to an eight month paid vacation and reinstating him? That’s bullshit, and we can all agree. This is exactly the reason I don’t watch CNN. They hire assholes and dipshits, crony racists and sexist masturbators. Their news may be actual news, but shit like this doesn’t engender faith in their decision making process.
There’s nothing special about Jeff Toobin. Just another schlubby white male who fails upwards. I speak as a somewhat schlubby white male myself.
Too bin or not too bin? That is the question re spunky tissues…
gave it a shot
Ba dum tiss
I predict that CNN will be one of the last employers to return to shaking hands when meeting new coworkers.
Nice one, CNN. (/s)
Keep choking that chicken!
that’s the part that floors me. what, in this hyper consolidated media landscape where there are fewer and fewer reporting jobs every day, this one problematic guy… he’s the one they’ve got to hire?
he’s obviously friends with somebody important
It’s like the Marines. Once a meeting masturbator, always a meeting masturbator.
One might call them out of touch.
Can we all at least agree that he got off easy?