Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/11/new-yorker-writer-fired-after-zoom-dick-incident.html
From now on, regardless of his past work, the one thing people will think of upon hearing his name is ‘dick.’
And that is all on him.
Well that only took a full month…
I originally read the headline as “zoom click incident” and was trying to figure out how one got fired over using a mouse click on zoom.
Zoom-dick, I’m gonna’ think zoom-dick.
It’s catchy, right?
I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before we get the “Jeffrey Tube’in” parody porn video.
Finally, they told him to beat it.
Not saying this was an accident, but if you hold meetings in people’s homes, then accidents will happen from time to time.
“Zoom Dick Incident” is the first album by Covfefe-19.
You could say this was a “Dickcident”
I’m sure that the New Yorker considered that possibility, mulled it over for a few weeks, and rejected it as implausible. And if this isn’t the first time this has happened, the excuse becomes even more of a pointless absurdity.
Looking forward to reading his successor.
Whether he really did believe the camera was disabled - I lean toward he did because the alternative is that he wanted to get fired in an incredibly embarrassing manner that would make it difficult to find employment for the relatively brief professional ostracisation of a successful straight white man - masturbating during a meeting, even a remote one, is no accident and grossly inappropriate.
Whether he knew his camera was activated or not is completely irrelevant.
Yep, the problem with professional misconduct isn’t getting caught. I get him not wanting people to think he showed it to his coworkers in flagrante delicto, but that doesn’t excuse the misconduct itself.
There’s another thing people think, “wanker”
Apparently he was on whatever you’d call the zoom call equivalent of phone sex, while also connected to the work zoom call…
zoom dick incident
Thinking about baseball usually helps me.
Also, it annoys me that the media has consistently, even now, presented it as exposing his privates and burying the lede that he was masturbating. It’s not like he was just not wearing underwear (which would still be foolish on a video conference) and got up to stretch thinking the camera was off.
That’s that damn patriarchy in action; ‘oh, it wasnt all that bad,’ “boys will be boys,” blah, blah, bullshit.
There are accidents, and then there are accidents.
A family member (or pet) wandering in or interrupting a meeting during COVID lockdown is an understandable “accident.” Showing up in your birthday suit to a meeting is not.
Regardless where work is performed, it isn’t too much to expect professional conduct during work hours.
I tell all the new hires during business ethics and conduct training that they should assume every communication they write could become public. I haven’t had to tell anyone to assume their cameras and microphones are always on… yet.
Termination is a stiff punishment!