Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/01/07/megalophobia.html
I found the “Distance Gauge” and the final scene in the movie Melancholia to be very disturbing for all the reasons you mention.
It is biggly. You’ve never seen anything bigglier. #makebigbigglyagain
No one’s shooped Trump’s giant moutheyed face dwarfing the horizon yet? I’ll check back later.
When I was little and driving around dirt roads at dusk, I’d often imagine some giant monster coming over the horizon, silhouetted against the orange of the setting sun.
TBH, that was more or less my first thought when I read Megalophobia…
Come to think about it, I was possibly confusing it with Megalomanicphobia; I think I have developed that over the last 30 months or so.
Previously on Boing Boing:
/r/thalassophobia is pretty good, too
Catfish noodling always squicked me out. Never know just how big that mouth you’re sticking your forearm into is.
I like this one…
Self driving?
Isn’t a “phobia” a groundless or unreasoned fear? I think that your fear may be well grounded and well reasoned.
This makes me feel so much better now…
Yes, you are not mad… the world is!
I’m no expert on human psychology or a linguist or a user of language or a human even come to think of it, but that looks more like Megalophilia.
ps: hurh hurh