Mel Brooks on the 40th Anniversary of his "greatest film," Young Frankenstein

Sure you read it. Heh.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen Young Frankenstein on network TV, and they probably wouldn’t bother anymore, but I remember when Teri Garr’s line “He vould have an enormous schwanzstucker” was re-edited into incomprehensible gibberish. It made Dr. Frankenstein’s and Igor’s lines that followed almost funnier.

Something similar happens with a scene from Robin Hood: Men In Tights:

Prince John: Such an unusual name, “Latrine.” How did your family come by it?
Latrine: We changed it in the 9th century.
Prince John: You mean you changed it TO “Latrine”?
Latrine: Yeah. Used to be “Shithouse.”
Prince John: It’s a good change!

That becomes even more weirdly hilarious on network TV when it’s changed to:

Prince John: Such an unusual name, “Latrine.” How did your family come by it?
Latrine: We changed it in the 9th century.
Prince John: It’s a good change!

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