Men's rights meltdown at McDonalds



I can never tell whether comments like theirs are American narcissism or foreign anti-American snobbery.

Dude needs to take the advice given at 2:52 and “chill ouoot”.

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Ok, it’s a bit much for you to suddenly call my three-year-old an “asshole” out of nowhere like that, but I will concede the point: I’ve been trying to explain that when there is none left you really can’t have more, and it doesn’t matter how much you want it, I can’t make it magically appear.

She still doesn’t seem to be grasping the concept, though…


Don’t forget American self-deprecation and American embarrassment-by-association.


Given that this incident took place in Canada, applying either one of those here is a subset of American narcissism. American embarrassment-by-association describes me, on this forum, dealing with Americans self-inserting under the assumption that rudeness and buffoonery must be American, and cannot exist in perfect Canada.

All three of them!

(This has been PSA.)

ETA: this song has never been more relevant.

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Completely fair point.

I was more pointing in the direction that many American liberals seem to have (at some level or other) the belief that, due to the USA pioneering the Internet, the various horriblenesses of Internet culture are somehow the collective fault of the USA, and that any display of such horribleness is therefore assumed to be American in ultimate origin. Hence the “embarrassment by association”; it’s not logical, and certainly more than a bit paternalistic and such, but it’s still there.

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I could enjoy these videos if they bobble headed the jackass so someones life wasn’t ruined. Punishment is disproportionate to the crime. Appears drunk guy behaved belligerent drunk and needs authority figure to tell him he’s out of line - not lose his job for instance. At some point, if it hasn’t happened already, someone will commit suicide after being featured in a video like this.

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My experience with people like this? The perceived slight of being told no is the excuse they need to try and exert dominance, nothing to do with actually getting what they came in for. A “you’re right, that’s really messed up you can’t get a chicken sandwich, I can’t believe this happened!” can usually deescalate the situation. The MRA bs coming out his chicken hole leads me to believe this fellow is suffering from a feeling of lack of control in his life. Getting drunk in public (my assumption given his body movement) is pretty low on the list of things he should be doing.

Christ, what an asshole.

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No, no, no. He’s doing it all wrong. This is how you demand some chicken…


Full agree.

Because this all comes from the media…



Yes, this guy’s behaviour is totally erratic and illogical, but I’ve worked with people suffering mental illness, and it seems really obvious that this guy needs treatment.

Obviously, he’s totally in the wrong, but I don’t think BoingBoing should be publishing this kind of humiliation video on the likely chance that the guy has a mental illness. What if loses his job, or decides to kill himself? You’ve probably made this guy’s life even worse.

Boingboing doesn’t like sexism, racism, but what about humiliating the mentally ill?

You can mock him and embarrass him, but you don’t know what he’s been through. If you had a mental illness beyond your control, you might act the same way. Yes, it’s hard for mentally ill people to function in society, but many try anyway. Watch the video again, and be aware that people with mental illness live among us.


Are you disappointed in Boing Boing because it published this piece?


Which one is that? Please point to an entry in the DSM-V.


Are you his therapist? Or are you just making assumptions based on a short video you saw online?


It’s the post making the assumption: That he doesn’t suffer a mental illness. In the likely case he has a mental illness, it’s wrong to post this on the internet to humiliate him. My point is, it seems likely, so let’s not assume he’s in full mental health.

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