Metawatch. (Formerly known as Facebookwatch.)


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Facebook fires sueball at ‘malicious’ app SDK makers, accuses them of gobbling up people’s personal information

Facebook on Thursday said it had filed two separate lawsuits in the US and UK to prevent unsanctioned snarfing of people’s personal data and the inflation of likes on posts.

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Facebook rejects Australia’s pay-for-news plan, proposes its own idea: How about no more articles at all, sunshine?

+Comment Facebook has announced it will “reluctantly stop allowing publishers and people in Australia from sharing local and international news on Facebook and Instagram” if Australia’s pay-for-news plan becomes reality.

By plan we mean a mandatory code of conduct that’s been in a public consultation phase. Under these proposed rules, drawn up by Australia’s Competition and Consumer Commission, publishers can negotiate primarily with Facebook and Google so that news outlets are paid a fee for having their articles shared and read on the aforementioned web platforms. If the negotiations fail, an independent arbitrator will decide the final offer from those put forward.

Facebook to blab bugs it finds if it thinks code owners aren’t fixing fast enough

Facebook has published its first Vulnerability Disclosure Policy and given itself grounds to blab the existence of bugs to the world if it thinks that’s the right thing to do.

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Ireland unfriends Facebook: Oh Zucky Boy, the pipes, the pipes are closing…from glen to US, and through the EU-side

Facebook has been reportedly asked to stop sending data from Ireland to the US, on orders from the EU.

This is according to a report from the Wall Street Journal , which said that Irish eyes won’t be smiling come this Fall after a preliminary order to suspend data transfers to the US about its users was sent to Mark Zuckerberg’s firm by the Irish Data Protection Commission.


The worst thing about how Facebook has proved time and time again that it is a malicious actor that’s subverted democracy and made the world a shitter place for the sake of profit is that there are still people willing to carry water for the company. Mike Masnick in particular does a good job turning a blind eye to it and trying to pivot the discussion toward “all this is really just content moderation at scale being impossible to do well, guys” He goes on to say “one disgruntled employee is not evidence” in a sad attempt to solidify whatever horseshit point he’s trying to make, in spite of all the other shit that’s happened within the last couple of years alone that show that Facebook is in it for the money and nothing else. Earlier that same day he tried pointing to another company that was bad in a pathetic “hey, look over there!” kind of way.

Mike also loves pointing out when Facebook does bad things but also refuses to call them evil, even though that’s what they fucking are. He always says “Oh, they just do an awful job”.

Mike’s either the most gullible tech pundit alive, or he knows that they’re evil but he has to lie because he’s in too deep into the Silicon Valley Techno-Utopian cult to actually say that a tech company is bad.

Not content with distorting actual reality, Facebook now wants to build a digital layer for the world

By permitting conspiracies and blatant falsehoods to circulate unchallenged, Facebook made denial of reality a nasty feature of actual reality. And now the Silicon Valley juggernaut has decided it wants to figure out how to build a digital layer that overlays the real world.

Because environmental and Indigenous organizations are exactly equivalent to violent far-right extremists.


Of course.

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Facebook is the internet’s cigarette: Addictive and laced with nasty stuff – ‘shocking images, graphic videos, headlines that incite outrage’

Members of the US House of Representatives held a hearing on Thursday about role antisocial networks have played in radicalizing America.

They did so amid a bitterly partisan election expected to set a record for political ad spending, much of which will enrich social media companies like Facebook.


“It’s not that we’re biased, it’s just that evil is more fun!”


Obviously there are other places this could go: a trump one, the one about the digital campaign manager etc. And this also is about Cambridge Analytics and collusion. But here works too.