Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/29/mew-is-a-furry-purring-theremi.html
A catheremin.
Better than the Mouse Organ?
This kind of stuff gives me hope.
With a GPS location-aware connection, Mew will also soak your closet floor with ammonia if you leave the house for more than two days at a time.
That is not the sound of a cat (or kittens) meowing.
That is the sound of the Monster from the Id having tantric sex with Cthulu.
Yeah, if my cats start sounding like that? I’m getting the fuck out of the house and calling animal control. Or maybe Men in Black.
Not calling it a “Furamin” was a real wasted opportunity if I do say so myself.
I read that as cathetertheremin – you know the model that changes pitch and amplitude when you slide the catheter in and out.
Come to think of it you probably wouldn’t need the theremin part.
Yay! Nightmare soundtrack!
1:30 “Gray… Strong… get out there and be the ‘red shirt’ guys.”
That’s pretty close to the Live Fur™ blanket that Miles Vorkosigan gave Elli Quinn in “Brothers in Arms”. We should just call Science Fiction books prophesy. Now we just need to figure out how to make it portable and drape-able.
Oh, much.
Obviously needed to dial back the wailing filter/resonance and slide up the purr envelope
You don’t touch a Theremin (other than moving it, but not to play it), that’s kinda the point.
If anything, this is something like a Trautonium:
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