Miami MAGA Man predicts civil war upon Trump's return

I’ve been assuming that this confusion is a by-product of the process used by the MAGA leaders: avoid specifics and stir up rage. People caught up in it will hear what they want to hear and see who they need to see.

We’re all left with a foaming sea of incoherent rage that has no specific target.

It’s scared the shit out of me ever since I 2015, when I could see TFG embracing this approach, with no thought at all about where it all-too-often leads.


… pretty sure the same old “first they came for the socialists” list still applies :thinking:


Elimination of The Other.


Yeah, I’m struggling to find the words for this. By “no specific target” I’m trying to convey that terms “groomer” and “socialist” have lost all useful meaning with this crowd, but they’re absolutely being riled up to act.

It reminds me very much of Radio Television Libre Mille Collines, and nobody can let up resisting it. I’m thankful every day for people who’ve kept it from erupting so far.


I don’t know. Needs more direct threats of imminent preemptive nuclear strikes, maybe.


Putting the rest of us under their boot and building up a theocracy with nukes is their goal. If you look at the groups that back him, then you’ll see that they do have an agenda and are willing to use someone like Trump to implement it. His plans for another term were written up by the far right (project 2025). See also what @OhHai said…

It may not seem like they have aim and direction, but they very much do. The chaotic style of rule has always been a hallmark of the far right, as has been an embrace of conspiracy theories (just look at the history of the nazis - it was shot full of conspiracism, but it did not make them a less violent or dangerous regime). You have to look beyond the seemingly confused, ridiculous presentation and look at who is involved and what they have said they wanted in the past.


I hope his lack of coherent policy or philosophy, and his unwillingness to credit anyone besides himself with any virtue or capability beyond how much they love him may be helpful in the US recovering from him, when a globule of KFC ultimately claims TFG. There is no obvious candidate behind him, as he is insecure enough that he’s terrified someone else will eclipse him in his lifetime.


Lord Dampnut has said as much, so nothing new about this. Hell, he tried to do so the first time, but was thwarted.
What this goober doesn’t realize that he himself will end up on that list.
He is just a bit farther down the page.

He must follow a different Constitution than I do, since those actions would be blatantly UnConstituional, as is the rest of the MAGAt agenda.

No doubt some of 'em will.
Pretty sure that somewhere, somewhere will dox 'em pretty quickly, so…



He believes the police will assist in the round-up. "They haven’t been corrupted yet, as far as I know.



It’s not even a decision - the ‘civil war’ we’d get when Mango Mussolini loses and is jailed is the ONLY path. Mobilize to get voters OUT for 2024.

There will be patches of violent protest, but I think most internet armchair badasses will remember the Jan 6 fallout and will just make noise from their recliner. The possible worst outcome will be if extremists implement random acts of terror or infrastructure attacks over extended periods, which will undermine confidence in the .gov/cops/.mil, but that may have to become the new normal in order to maintain democracy. If that happens , I honestly doubt we’ll be able to relax for any significant elections going forward.


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