Michigan cop fired over vast collection of racist memorabilia claims he is just a 'Dukes of Hazzard' fan

The article does not argue in favor of keeping the flag around

That’s why Schneider seems to feel almost a sense of betrayal at having such an ugly stigma attached to a show that relentlessly promoted positive values. The real betrayal, of course, occurred over hundreds of years, as the United States of America founded itself on slavery, then fought to end it, then allowed its embers to roar back to life. The good news is that Schneider is wrong, remembering The Dukes of Hazzard fondly doesn’t make you a racist, but the bad news is that Schneider’s anguish loses badly to the anguish that symbol now causes.

and its actual thesis is not very strong either

The only regular black character was neighboring Chickasaw County Sheriff Little

Law enforcement were the bad guys on that show

A black antagonist persecuting the lovable rebel Confederate-flag-waving white heroes is not the detail that is going to rehabilitate The Dukes of Hazzard for a new generation of fans


A digression but this made me think of an episode of Justified featuring an art collector who collects Hitler paintings. Of course the other characters in the episode think he’s twisted for doing this, even as he insists that they come over to see his collection. Finally one character relents…and it’s just jars of ashes.

This is my life’s work. I buy up Hitler’s shitty paintings, and I burn them.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like this guy planned to burn any of this crap.


“I love The Dukes of Hazzard. That’s the reason for the Confederate flags”

That excuse would have killed ten ordinary men.


That was a damn good ep.


Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that he really is just a Dukes of Hazzard fan. That alone should disqualify him.


Certainly, anyone cited for speeding by him should file a complaint…


That was my takeaway from the series (as a young-un), but the point about white-washing seems appropriate.

It’s been a long time since I watched, is there much other white-washing if we remove the flag and General Lee name from the Dodge Charger hero car?


It’s been a long time since I watched it as well, so I might mis-remember, but those are the things that stand out in hindsight. Again, I’m not condemning the show. But I think it makes sense to place it in it’s cultural context, and the frankly naive use of the Confederate battle flag was part of a culture that didn’t want to face the less savory aspects of its history. Even, and arguably especially, with the things we appreciate, there’s value in appreciating with a critical eye.


Poor Rookie, should of shot a civilan and recieved 2-3 years paid vacation pending…



It definitely isn’t, but it says a lot about how whitewashed Friends and Seinfeld were.


Exactly. Michigan isn’t the South, but even if this cop were from South Carolina or Mississippi or wherever, the Civil War was a black mark on our nation’s history. It’s not a “heritage” to celebrate.


It was a damn good series!


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