Microdoses of LSD and mushrooms as an alternative to Adderall (or coffee!)

Is it possible I’ve been microdosing my whole life without my knowledge?


I want to smoke some chillis, but I worry about what they will do to my lungs.


Sounds like the psychotropics interfere with your natural resistance to earworms!

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What did I miss?

my own inability to tell smoking and smoking apart

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Are you smoking something?

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I’m too faint-hearted to use your smoked chili powder as joint ingredient

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Don’t do it. You would die and they’d put me in jail for murder and dealing weird substances across international borders and I’d be executed at Guantanamo for spicing.


OK then. I don’t do that stuff anymore… but if I do…

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Stick to the dried leeches.

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I thought it was the live ones that stick to things. I mean, people.


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