On topic, I find that even very large doses of LSD precipitously increase my depth and breadth of attention and memory. The attention part is, I think, my natural response to the delirium effect of the drug, I need a really big does to get past that stage and lose myself or give myself over to the trip without… fighting it (that’s not quite right but maybe you know what I mean).
The coolest effect is by far the detail and precision of active memory, for both short and long term recall. In normal life I have a terrible to middling memory most of the time, but on acid, I seem to be able to hold very large logical structures in my mind at any one time and sort of ‘see’ the whole thing all at once, while it shifts and evolves with whatever task I’m involved in.
Mushrooms, not so much.
I either fight them in a sort of losing battle of attrition until they finally take over or, if I prepare properly, feel like they dissolve my higher brain functions almost right away, forcing me to resort to intuitive functionality.
Smaller doses of LSD have pretty much the same effect as larger doses in that I feel like not very much changes apart from the increase in upwelling of memory and creativity but smaller doses of mushrooms are, for me, very effective.
A small dose of psylocin seems to be my panacea. Attention is sharpened, stress alleviated, concentration is boundless, bodily aches and pains evaporate, creativity is so overwhelming that the only problem I’m left with is how to record all of the ideas that stream through me. I feel stronger and lighter, I am able to run further and faster with very little appreciable fatigue, my reactions feel lightning fast. Colours are deeper and brighter, visual acuity is through the roof, hearing is more attuned and sensitive.
Ordinarily, my musical ability is shockingly bad but with a small dose of mushrooms I seem to be able to remember and (I don’t play any instruments really) hum back a tune I heard hours ago. I can hold a tune in my mind, I can ‘hear’ the music (something I’m told that musical people can do all the time but which is completely alien to me without mushrooms), I can choose parts to play back or put on loop. I can add effects to the imagined sound, I can play multiple parts of the music back to myself at the same time, pick out instruments and listen to them alone or together. Some of my musician friends tell me this is completely mundane and ordinary for them, but I assure you it is like magic to me!
Damn, I could use some psychedelics right about now.